"You don't need to be so serious. The newcomer this time is really interesting. I went to find Genos last night. He is just like you, with the same expressionless face."

"If you want to say something, just say it straight to the point, without beating around the bush."

"Actually, I just came to congratulate you and look forward to your activity, that's all."

"That's it? That's all?"

Originally, Tongzi thought that this first A-level hero called Sweetheart Mask was here to show her off.

Anyone who has experienced society knows that the kind of seniors who are willing to teach the younger generation what they don't understand, and even help the younger generation clean up the mess, can basically be said to be hard to find with a lantern.

It's not that there are none, it can only be said that such seniors are really rarer than rare animals.

What's more, no matter what problems the younger generation encounters, they don't care.If the younger generation makes a mistake and is scolded by the leader, the senior will only gloat.

What's more, seeing young and outstanding juniors unhappy, they will deliberately suppress them.

Originally, Tongzi thought that Sweetheart Mask would be such a person.

But didn't expect...

Is this product just here for comparison?

"I almost forgot. There is one more thing. I have no intention of interfering with the relationship between you and Fubuki of Hell, the No. 1 B-rank. I just don't know if she told you or not. She also has an older sister."

"elder sister?"

"Yes, it is the trembling tornado that ranks second in the S class. The reason why Fubuki of Hell, the hero faction Fubuki team formed, ranks first among all the hero factions at present, is because no matter who it is, everyone Give her sister some face. Therefore, no matter what you think, you'd better pay more attention to her... Although the trembling tornado is close to thirty years old, it is not only physically and mentally, but also just a Child. If she knows that you are taking advantage of or bullying her sister..."

"Will the consequences be serious?"

"As long as you know."

Tongzi nodded, then took out her phone.

"Thank you for your advice, but I'm just curious, if the trembling tornado you mentioned knew you were behind her, chewing your tongue, what would she think?"

Tongzi pressed the broadcast button on the phone, and the words that Sweetheart Mask just said came out from the phone.

"...The trembling tornado, although he is close to thirty years old, is not only physically and mentally, but also just a child..."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, please delete this recording, I will do anything."

So, what is this thing for?




Chapter 85


Yellowing leaves are falling on the street.

The people coming and going on the street are no longer cool short-sleeved shorts and short skirts, but all put on autumn clothes.

It is already autumn.

Really fast...

Since the day I met Master Tong, more than two months have passed without knowing it.

Fubuki, who was still dressed in the black tight-fitting dress and a fluffy coat, walked silently on the road, and peeked at the girl in the black windbreaker who was walking in front of her.

There are still relatively few situations where S-level heroes are required to dispatch. After all, if even S-level heroes need to be dispatched frequently, then mankind may really be on the verge of extinction...

Since Master Tong became an S-class hero, he has basically not done any missions, and Master Tong has always stayed at home most of the time.


Why did she deliberately pull herself up and come outside today?

"Oh, isn't this Saitama? What are you doing?"


The sound of the conversation brought Fuxue back from her thoughts, and she couldn't help but look forward.

The guy who was greeting Kiri-sama was a bald man dressed in a yellow tights.

Although most of the heroes will choose to dress up in exotic clothes, because it is easier to leave a deep impression in the hearts of the public, but this guy named "Saitama", his dress is a bit too funny.

Looking at the two people who continued to talk, Fubuki couldn't understand why Tongzi wasted time on this C-rank.

But the two didn't talk for too long, and Saitama hurried away.

Because Saitama is a C-level hero, he must be active once a week (such as completing tasks issued by the Hero Association, or being witnessed to defeat weird people in public), otherwise he will be removed from the hero roster.

By the way, all professional heroes are registered on the hero roster, not only the age, height, weight, hero title, etc., but even nirvana, and the places they often go to in peacetime are all written in detail...

Among them, even the S-class heroes have detailed descriptions...

For example, KING, the 7th ranked S-level "The Strongest Man on Earth", is mentioned in the hero list, and his special attack is KING's esoteric skill of Qigong-Purgatory Wushuang Explosive Thermal Wave Cannon. It is said that as long as you use this special attack Skills, no matter it is ghost level or dragon level, will kill in one move.

And if you hear the sound of "chug chug", don't feel strange, because this is exactly the sound of KING's "king engine" starting. When he starts the "king engine", it means that he has done Ready for a good fight.

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