After that, Fubuki followed Tongzi and continued walking on the street.

But this time I didn’t walk for too long, and a new situation appeared on the street:

A gangster held a fruit knife in his hand and ran away in a panic, and there happened to be two men and a woman on his escape route.

"Get out of the way!"

The man who was clearly a senior pushed the other man and woman away, but he had no time to dodge.

"Justice hit!"

Just as the gangster with a fruit knife was about to rush in front of the man, a bicycle suddenly cut across the road and knocked the gangster over.

"Damn, you bastard!"

The gangster struggled to get up from the ground, but just when he was about to stab the undocumented rider on the bicycle with a fruit knife...

He suddenly felt that the fruit knife in his hand broke away from his right hand uncontrollably and floated into the air.

"Justice Grab!"

While the gangster was shocked by this unscientific picture, the undocumented knight rushed up to hug him, and subdued the gangster.

The police arrived quickly and took the gangster away.

The undocumented knight also expressed his gratitude to Fubuki.

It was Fubuki who used superpowers to control the fruit knife just now.

Originally, Fubuki planned to use the handle of a fruit knife to stun the gangster, but the undocumented knight reacted quickly and went up to use "just grab" on the gangster, so Fuxue didn't do that.

As for the two men and one woman who were rescued, they also came to thank them.

On the road after that, Chuuxue suddenly thought about it.

She seemed to understand why Master Tong had to greet Class C specially.

Take the Undocumented Rider...

In fact, with the strength of an undocumented knight, he could have entered the B-level long ago, but he didn't know why he stayed at the first place in the C-level.

And the bald head I met earlier.

It seems to be a guy named "Yamazaki"...

Maybe it also has the potential to be promoted to B-level, so Master Tong will talk to him, right?

Lay the foundation in advance, win favors, and when the time comes, pull them into the Fuxue group.

It turns out that, as expected of Mr. Tong, what he thinks is comprehensive.

Buddha is Buddha...


"I'm a little hungry."

Tongzi, who was walking in front, suddenly touched her stomach.

"Master Tong, I know that there is a newly opened takoyaki restaurant here recently. Although it is not as good as Mr. Tong's craftsmanship, the taste is also very good. More importantly, the quantity is very large, and it is also very cheap."

"Takoyaki? But I can't eat seafood..."

Tongzi, who was in the middle of speaking, suddenly stopped, and then changed his words.

"It's nothing, let's go, take me to have a look."

In the previous life, Tongzi was allergic to seafood. As long as she touched a little seafood, her stomach would feel very uncomfortable...

But that was already a thing of the previous life.

The takoyaki restaurant that Fubuki mentioned happened to be not far away.

The space inside the store is not too big, except for a row of tables and chairs against the wall, there are only chairs in front of the counter.

Now there are several customers in the store in twos and threes, and every customer is eating.


Behind the counter stood a gorilla with a cute octopus-like apron on his chest, and a very young and handsome man wearing a pair of glasses and also wearing a cute octopus-like apron.

These two people should be the clerks of this takoyaki restaurant... No, judging from such a small store, they might be the boss.

However, to Tongzi's surprise, the beauty of this world is generally high.

From the point of view of appearance, the glasses owner's appearance is not much worse than that of Sweetheart Mask who has an idol status.

"Two takoyaki please, thank you."

Fubuki took out his wallet, counted out the banknotes, and placed them on the counter.

"Okay, two takoyaki."

The gorilla took the money with both hands respectfully, and the glasses owner started to prepare.

Tongzi and Fubuki sat down at one of the tables next to the wall.


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