As a senior otaku, he is no stranger to the essential food in anime.

It's just that she has never had the chance to eat real takoyaki...

Be careful, it's real takoyaki.

It's not the ones sold by mobile stalls in the community, with the brand of Takoyaki on them, but they don't know what the hell they are fake foreign devils.




The Yamazaki above is not a clerical error, it's just that Fubuki couldn't remember the name of "Miscellaneous Fish".

Chapter 86 He actually... breaks the chapter here


Without making them wait too long, they ordered takoyaki and it was served quickly.

Tongzi has seen some anime with takoyaki before, and the takoyaki inside are all served in small plates.

However, the gorilla served them two very large plates.

The plate is full of plump meatballs, which are fried until golden and crispy, and are smeared with a bright red sauce.

Not to mention eating, just looking at it will make people appetite.

"Please use it slowly."

The gorilla served the plate and left.

Tongzi used a bamboo stick to insert one of the meatballs and took a bite.

The plump meatballs burst in the mouth, the rich and sweet sauce lingers between the teeth, and the golden and crispy skin melts in the mouth...


If this is an anime, it's time to show your sincerity by bursting at this time.

Fubuki, who was sitting opposite Kiriko, also enjoyed eating very much.

But her way of eating is different from Tongzi's. She doesn't just use a bamboo stick to insert meatballs into her mouth like Tongzi.

Instead, use two bamboo sticks to split the meatballs, and then use the bamboo sticks to insert the torn meatballs into the mouth.But only the center part of the meatball is eaten, and the outer layer of the golden-brown skin is thrown back on the plate.

After eating a plate of takoyaki, Tongzi felt seven or eight percent full.

Tongzi has never eaten takoyaki before, so she doesn't know if the taste of this restaurant is better than other restaurants, at least she thinks it is very good.

But what she can be sure of is that the meatballs in this store are really big, and there are more of them.

Tongzi has never seen a shop that filled a plate full of takoyaki like caviar.

The taste is good, and the price is cheaper than other people's for such a large portion.

Wouldn't this really be a loss?


After leaving the takoyaki shop, Tongzi said that she was going back.

Following behind Tongzi, Fubuki was still thinking about the purpose of coming out today.

It seems that I didn't do anything today, I just said hello to the C-level hero...

Maybe today, Lord Tong intends to teach his own knowledge, just don't underestimate the C-level heroes. One day, the C-level can also be promoted to the B-level and play for the Fubuki team.


Just then, panicked screams rang out.

The originally orderly crowd on the street became chaotic.

"Hey hey hey, I'm keen on NTR behavior, and finally the adult who changed from human to tauren appeared on the stage."

A tauren with a height of more than two meters, naked, with thick hair covering important parts, appeared on the street.

"Quick... run away..."

"It's a weirdo!"

"Who...who is looking for a hero to help..."

The streets that were originally overcrowded suddenly became crowded due to chaos, and everyone wanted to stay away from weird people as much as possible.

Fubuki snorted coldly, and then she used superpowers to create an air wall of about half a meter in front of her and Tongzi, so that the crowd would not squeeze them.

The crowd quickly receded from Tongzi and the others, perhaps because there were frequent evacuation warnings. In such a chaotic scene, no one was injured due to the crowding and chaos.

However, what surprised Tongzi was that besides her and Fubuki, there was actually another person standing in front of the strange man.

The man was wearing a hooded, long-sleeved shirt and was carrying a white plastic bag that looked like he had just bought something from a store.

He was just like that, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding the white plastic bag, facing the vicious and vicious monster without moving.

——Like a legendary hero!

"Tud! Thu! Thu! Thu! Thu!"

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