Because the crowd receded and the surroundings became quiet, a strange sound suddenly sounded. This sound was a bit like drums, clear and rhythmic.

"This... this voice, could it be that..."

Fuxue didn't know what to think of, she looked at the man with his back to her and Tongzi, with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a white plastic bag, with a surprised expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you, Fuxue?"

Seeing Fubuki's reaction was a bit strange, Tongzi couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Master Tong, don't you know? That person is..."

Before Chuuxue finished speaking, the tauren let out a series of loud laughs. After it finished laughing, it swept forward with its bare hands, and the air flow driven by it blew the hood off the man's head.

"I really didn't expect to meet such an unexpected joy as you, KING who is called 'the strongest man on earth'!"


This name, isn't it...

Hearing what the tauren said, the fleeing crowd couldn't help but stop, and then burst into cheers that were completely different from before.

"We are saved!"

"KING is here to save us!"

"KING, use your nirvana to defeat that disgusting weirdo with one blow!"

Different from the enthusiastic cheers of others, KING's reaction was rather cold.

His indifference seemed a little too cold.

Obviously the weirdo is right in front of him, but he doesn't have the sense of justice that an ordinary hero must destroy when he sees the weirdo, nor does he have the disdain and arrogance to look at the rubbish on the side of the road...

He just kept one hand in his pocket while the other hand was holding a plastic bag...

With that appearance, it looks like the weirdo in front of him is just a person who inserts a label and sells his head, and taking his head is as simple as picking something out of a bag.

"The enemy is just a monster whose strength is equivalent to that of a tiger. I don't know if KING will use it. What about the legendary nirvana - KING's qigong technique "Purgatory Wushuang Explosive Heat Wave Cannon"?"

Fubuki's eyes were shining brightly, as if a female fan had finally seen her idol who had been a fan for a long time.

There is no way, after all, KING's strength is the most mysterious among all S-class heroes.

Four times in a row, he appeared on the scene of a very powerful weirdo, so he was exceptionally promoted to S rank by the Heroes Association.

No one has ever seen KING's moves, but judging from the traces left by the monsters who were defeated at the scene, it can be judged that KING used one blow to deal with the enemy.

It is precisely for this reason that KING was awarded the title of "The Strongest Man on Earth".


Looking at the man in front of her, Tongzi secretly used status magic on him to check the status of KING.

When she came to this world, Tongzi had already discovered that her abilities in the previous world could also be used in this world.

And when the status value of KING surfaced, Tongzi couldn't help frowning.

She looked at the value that appeared on the status magic, and for the first time began to wonder if she had read it wrong...

But no matter how many times she blinked, the value was still the same as before.

How could this be?

He actually...




Chapter 87 Logic Ghosts


"You know me? The 7th place in the S class, the king of the strongest man on earth?"

The "chug chug" sound of the emperor's engine became louder and denser.

"That's right, KING, come and fight with me. As long as I can defeat you, my disaster level will definitely reach the dragon level... no, it is beyond the dragon level!"

As long as he thought that he could become a monster beyond the dragon level, the tauren couldn't help but laugh.

And laugh very happily.

"Really? That's what you want, but can you let me go to the toilet first? I'm really in a hurry now. If I insist on fighting, maybe I can only use [-]% of my strength to less than [-]% ..."

"Since your purpose is to defeat me and increase your disaster level, then if you defeat me in an incomplete state, the disaster level may not be able to increase smoothly, right?"

The tauren tilted his head, thinking seriously about KING's proposal.

What's even more frightening is that it actually agreed.

Tongzi couldn't believe her ears.

As a weirdo, as a weirdo who dreams of defeating powerful heroes so as to increase his disaster level.

Even when he learned that the other party could not use his full strength because he was holding back the desire to urinate...

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