The choice he made was not to take advantage of his illness to kill him, but to let him release the water.

? ? ? ? ? ?

What is this operation?

This weird guy probably didn't come from the set of Mingfeng's simple "Gabriel the Fallen".

Fortunately, the Tauren didn't forget his identity, he shouted at the back of KING who was walking towards the public toilet by the roadside.

"The 7th hero of the dignified S-level, don't think about escaping. I will wait for you here for 10 minutes. After that time, I will start killing hostages. If you don't show up after all the hostages are killed, then I will ruin this place." city."

Facing the threat of the tauren, KING did not say a word.

Perhaps he believes that only children fight with their tongues, but adults use their fists to solve those who ask questions.

On the street, people who were supposed to seek refuge did not flee at this time.

They all kept a distance from the tauren, instead of running away, they even chattered about what kind of moves they would use to defeat this strange man when KING came back later.

Of course, there are also some well-meaning people among them, calling Tongzi and Chuuxue to come over quickly.

Tongzi thought for a while, decided to follow the good advice, and dragged Chuuxue back to the crowd.

Originally, she wanted to get rid of this strange man directly, but since this strange man found KING, if she solved the strange man, it would be tantamount to stealing the strange man.

Tongzi himself hated the behavior of stealing monsters.

So she didn't make a move.


The 10 minutes passed quickly, but KING's figure did not appear for a long time.

"It's time, why hasn't KING come out yet?"

"Could it be that KING's watch is broken?"

"Could it be that I ate something dirty, so I have diarrhea."

"Do heroes have diarrhea too?"

"It should be, after all, heroes are also human beings."

Among the crowd, whispers were unavoidable, but no one thought that KING would escape, they just speculated about various possibilities.

"Time is up!"

In the previous 10 minutes, the tauren who had been standing there and obeyed the agreement moved again.

"Hey, hey yay yay-"

"The weirdo is going to kill someone!"

"KING, come and save us!"

Seeing the tauren walking towards this side, the crowd who had calmed down before became chaotic again.

"It's just you."

The tauren walked very fast. It didn't take long for it to reach the crowd before it had time to escape, and stretched out its hand to point at one of them at will.

And this person is Tongzi.

With the tauren's height and physique, when it stood in front of Tongzi, it directly blocked the sunlight above its head.

"As a weirdo, I have to be worthy of my identity. I promised to kill the hostages if I didn't come out in 10 minutes. I must do what I said... If you want to blame, blame KING for not coming out to save you."

However, Tongzi showed a thoughtful look on her face, as if there was something more urgent than the current situation.

"and many more."

"Why, do you want to ask for forgiveness?"

The tauren mistook Tongzi's thinking reaction for fear and terror.

"Don't worry, soon, with the blessing of my NTR power, just one punch will make you return to the original form of life, and there will be no pain!"

The tauren clenched its huge fist and punched it down with the sound of wind.

The fists of the Tauren are almost two to three times larger than the fists of ordinary people.With this punch coming down with all its strength, ordinary people would be killed if they had no resistance at all.


Kiriko easily received the extremely powerful fist.

"Didn't I tell you to wait?"

The tauren was a little confused, he didn't expect that the blow he was determined to win would be blocked.

For a moment, he forgot to think.

The reason why Tongzi was thinking at this time was that Tongzi was actually thinking about what she should do.

It's not that she's worried about the tauren. In fact, just a dozen of them won't be enough to see.

She was just thinking about how to do it so that it could not be counted as stealing monsters.

Tongzi has her own principles, she will not be unscrupulous and disregard other people's feelings just because she is strong and far stronger than others.

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