"Unless Newton jumps out of the coffin..."

Before the tauren finished speaking, a black light appeared in its field of vision without warning.

The black light came and went quickly, and when the tauren reacted, the black light had already disappeared.

What disappeared together was the upper body of the tauren...

"Why... why... my body is only half left..."

This is the last consciousness of the tauren.

The upper body of the tauren fell to the ground with a final "snap".

Tongzi shook off the blood on the sword, slowly put the sword back into its sheath, and said to the tauren's body that had been turned into two pieces.

"I'm sorry, since you don't want to be a good person, you can only be a dead person."


Sure enough, I am still not suitable for talking.

Take a look at those strong talkers in the anime, once the talk comes down, they will become steel and soft around their fingers.look at yourself again...

It's true that people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when compared with goods.

However, Tongzi defeated the weirdo, and she still received countless cheers and applause, and some people recognized her as the newly promoted S-class hero.

"It turned out to be an S-class hero, no wonder you can defeat the weirdo so easily."

"Such a young and lovely girl is actually an S-class hero, so terrifying."

For a moment, Tongzi was crowded with people, all of them had bright eyes and extremely excited expressions.

"Sorry, I still have something to do, please make room."

Tongzi yelled several times before letting the crowd around her disperse, but they didn't retreat very far, just leaving room for Tongzi to pass.

"Thank you all."

Tongzi hurriedly pulled Fuxue away.

She has never been a star before, so she doesn't know what kind of reaction she should make in this situation, so as to meet the standards of an S-class hero and not to discredit the Heroes Association.

Feeling a headache, she had no choice but to flee from the scene quickly.

After escaping hundreds of meters in one breath, Tongzi let go of the panting Fuyuki.

Although Fubuki is the No. 1 hero in Class B, her physique seems to be at the level of an ordinary person. She didn't run far at all, and she was already exhausted.

"Flow snow, I still have something to do later, can you go back alone first?"

"Eh? Master Tong, can't you take me with you?"

"It's better for me to be alone."

"OK then."

Although Fubuki really wanted to know what Tongzi had to do, she had to do it alone.But Fuxue also knew that if a woman was too clingy, she would be bored.

So she had to be honest, get in the taxi that Tongzi called for her, and watch Tongzi leave.


After watching Fubuki leave, Tongzi walked in the direction they came from.

According to the impression in her memory, she walked to the public toilet that KING went to before.

She looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so she stepped into the men's room.

There was no one in the men's room, and Tong Zi even opened the compartment to check that there was no one there.

That's strange. Could it be that KING came out of the toilet with great difficulty, then found that the weirdo had been knocked down, and went back as if nothing had happened?

Tongzi thought of the results she showed when she used status magic to measure KING...

I don't think that's going to be the case.

But just as Tongzi was about to go out, there was a burst of talking and laughing from outside the men's toilet.

What the hell!

It can't be such a coincidence, can it?Someone is coming in to use the toilet?

Tongzi quickly hid in one of the compartments and locked the door.

She heard someone actually go into the toilet and walk over to the urinal.

Then there is the sound of taking off pants and splashing water.

After finally waiting for the other party to leave, Tongzi came out of the cubicle.

But just in case, she didn't go out directly through the door, but turned out through the window on the wall.

After leaving the public toilet, just to be on the safe side, she went back to the place where the weirdo appeared before. The nearby shop owner naturally recognized her, the S-class hero who had just defeated the weirdo.

Therefore, the question about Tongzi is that he knows everything without saying anything.

"King? No, I haven't seen him back since then."

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