Tongzi even asked the owners or clerks of several stores, and they always answered like this.

"is it?"

Tongzi is more convinced of her thoughts.

"How much is this roster of heroes? I want it."

Tongzi noticed that among the magazines and newspapers placed on the counter, there was a stack of the latest hero roster, she picked up one and asked casually.

"No money, I'll give it to you."

"Is this really good?"

"If that weirdo started making a fuss just now, our store will also suffer a lot of losses. It's all up to you to save our store. Let this be a thank you gift for you."

"That's it, then thank you."

Tongzi left the newsstand, opened the list of heroes given by the boss of the newsstand, and easily found the page of KING on it.

The roster of heroes not only records various detailed introductions of KING, but also includes his home address...




Chapter 89 KING, you have the ability to urinate, and you have the ability to open the door!


This is a small and dirty room.

The trash bin next to the door was already full of rubbish, so that the extra trash had to be placed outside the trash bin.

There was a game console on the table, and beside it was a half-drunk bottle of Feizhai Happy Water, and the takeaway boxes that had been eaten were also piled up like a mountain on the table.

Above the sofa, it was occupied by the coats and clothes that were taken off, and the floor was full of comics and tissues.

In a word, the person who lives here is definitely an otaku.

And he's an old man.

Panicked footsteps sounded from outside the door, followed by the sound of keys being pulled out, followed by the keychain falling to the ground and being picked up again.

This time the key was finally inserted into the lock smoothly. As the door lock was opened, a man with three scars on his face hid in embarrassment as if he was escaping from something, and closed the door forcefully.

As if in this way, terrible things can be kept out of the door.

KING leaned against the door, and subconsciously threw the white plastic bag in his hand to the ground. He was panting heavily, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

If other people see this scene, they will be shocked.

Because whether it is the Heroes Association, other heroes, or ordinary people.In their minds, KING is an invincible man.

Although KING is ranked 7th in the S class, his title of hero proves everyone's high hopes for him.

However, the strongest man on earth was trembling with fear.


KING, whose breath gradually calmed down, couldn't help thinking:

It's not easy to finally come back safely...

I wonder if those people escaped smoothly?

Thinking of those eyes full of expectation and trust, KING felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Although I betrayed your trust, but...

I also want to live.

That's right, KING is actually not the strongest man on earth at all, and the so-called ultimate skill - KING's esoteric skill of Liuqigong "Purgatory Wushuang Explosive Heat Wave Cannon" is naturally groundless.

He was just an otaku at first, the so-called engine of the emperor was just because he was ten times timid than others, because he was too scared, so his heartbeat was so loud that others could hear it.

Because every time he happened to appear at the scene where a powerful monster with a disaster level ranging from ghost to dragon was knocked down, unexpectedly, the Hero Association sent the S-class hero certificate to his home without authorization.

King admitted that it was his fault that he did not tell the truth in time.

But you don't have to do anything every month, and you can have a good salary.You don't need to go out to work, you can maintain your life squatting at home...

How many people can refuse?

Forget it, let's play the game.

As long as you play the game, you can forget about these unpleasant things...

KING, who gradually calmed down, slowly returned to his usual calm expression. He picked up the white plastic bag that fell to the ground, and took out the game he bought in the store.

This is the latest sequel of the Soul series. Although the name is no longer called XX Soul, and the background has changed from the European Middle Ages to the Japanese Warring States, as long as you are a fan of the Soul series, you will never miss this work.

In reality, KING is just an ordinary person who is not even as good as a C-level hero, but as long as he holds the controller, he can do anything.

The operation and settings of this work are very different from the previous Souls series games, but it didn't take much time for KING to adapt to the latest operation and get started quickly.

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