However, when KING was having fun, there was a sudden knock on the door.


a few minutes ago.

Tongzi, who was standing on the sidewalk, raised her head and looked at the tall building standing in front of her.

This building has at least dozens of floors. In the previous life, Tongzi lived in a small county town on the 10th line, and the tallest building did not exceed [-] floors.

Therefore, it is conceivable that these dozens of stories of high-rise buildings shocked her.

Damn, how deep does the foundation have to be for such a tall building...

Are you afraid you have to go through the center of the earth?

Of course, Tongzi also knew that no matter how deep the foundation was drilled, it was impossible to hit the foundation.

Tongzi looked at the tall building in front of her, and took out the list of heroes.

According to the information on the roster of heroes, KING lives in this building.

And even the house number is clearly written.

Tongzi closed and put away the roster of heroes, and walked into the tall building.

When taking the elevator, Tongzi recalled that before using status magic on KING, the value displayed was obviously just an ordinary person...

But for some reason, he was judged as an S-class hero by the Hero Association.

At first Tongzi thought it was an error in the status magic, or it was being disturbed.

After all, status magic is a skill learned in the last world. If there is some so-called will of the world, or the will of the universe, or some other mysterious force interfering, it is not impossible...

But when Tongzi returned to the scene and confirmed from most of the people present that "KING escaped from the public toilet and did not return to the scene", she could be sure that there was nothing wrong with the status magic.

The only one who can be sure that something went wrong is KING himself.

She didn't know why KING did this...

So Tongzi decided to ask in person.

But this is not because she is a partner of justice, nor is it because she hates evil.but because...

... She is very idle.

The bird is too idle to fade out.

Soon, the elevator arrived at the 22nd floor where KING was located. Tongzi walked out of the elevator and followed the house number mentioned on the list of heroes. It didn't take much effort to find the door of KING's house.

She stepped forward and knocked on the door.

No one responded.

Unwilling to give up, Tongzi knocked on the door again.

Still no response.

What's the matter, didn't you go home?

Could it be that his own calculations were wrong, in fact, KING really ate something bad, and had diarrhea and was admitted to the hospital?

Just when Tongzi was about to leave, she inadvertently noticed that the "safety in and out" carpet placed at the door showed signs of being messed up.

Under normal circumstances, the carpet at the door of your house will definitely be neatly arranged after being messed up, unless...

Tongzi, who had already walked a few steps away, came back in a jerk, and slapped the anti-theft door with more force than before.

"KING, I know you are inside, you have the ability to urinate, you have the ability to open the door!"




Groundless rumors were originally used as a metaphor for news and legends, and they are not completely groundless.

However, according to the 2005th edition in 5 and the 2012th edition in 6 of "Modern Chinese Dictionary", the meaning of "groundless rumors" has changed from the original "metaphorical news and legends are not completely without reason" to the current "news and legends are groundless". .

Therefore, it is correct to use "groundless rumors" as a metaphor for "news and legends are baseless".In daily language application and Chinese examinations, the latest version of "Modern Chinese Dictionary" shall prevail.

The fifth watch is over, good night everyone.

Chapter 90 Why, Dress Like Clothes, Hello Sao


With this shout, the effect was immediately different from before, and there was an immediate reaction in the room.

The anti-theft door was quickly opened, and KING, dressed in casual clothes, stood behind the door and looked at Tongzi.

"who are you?"

Although he tried very hard to hide his panic and nervousness, his face still exposed his true inner thoughts at the moment.

"The guy who cleans up your mess."

After hearing Tongzi's words, KING vaguely remembered that there was such a person in the crowd.

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