And what she said, that is to say...

Was she the one who knocked down the weirdo?

But what is she doing here now?

What did she mean by what she said before?

"So you're a hero, too?"

KING stuck out his head from the door, poked outside, looked around, and after confirming that Tongzi was the only one outside, he was slightly relieved.

Then he looked Tongzi up and down, coughed twice pretending to be calm, and changed the subject.

"Then what, thank you for helping me defeat the weirdo. In fact, I originally wanted to do it myself, but because my stomach feels a little uncomfortable, so..."

"So you ran home to play games?"

Kiriko interrupted King's words and said with a smile.

"Although you turned off the TV, the lights of the game console are still on."

KING was startled, and looked back subconsciously.

But in the room, he unplugged the TV and game consoles, how could the lights still be on?

It was only then that he realized that the girl had been deceiving him just now.


KING didn't plan to continue talking to this girl, because if he continued talking, it might reveal the fact that he was not an S-class hero at all, but just an ordinary person.

Anyway, the Heroes Association has unilaterally determined that they are very strong. Even if this girl tells others, others will not believe it.

It's just that the half-closed door was blocked by a protruding foot.

No matter how hard KING tried, the door was firmly stuck and could not be closed at all.

"What do you want? What do you really want?"

KING couldn't help saying the classic lines of the leading actor in Taiwanese dramas.

"I just want to ask you a simple question."

Tongzi looked directly into KING's eyes.

"KING, why are you pretending to be an S-class hero?"

KING's mind went blank.

she knows?

How could it could she know?

Obviously, including other S-class heroes, no one has ever doubted her identity as an S-class hero, why would she...

Did she draw such an inference just because she escaped from the strange man once?

"I think... you have... some misunderstanding?"

After a while, KING, whose face was pale, uttered intermittent words with trembling lips.

"I'm really... just... my stomach hurts... I'm not feeling well..."

"Really? That's how it is."

To KING's surprise, Tongzi, who was so aggressive before, was persuaded so easily. She withdrew her foot, and her face was no longer the aggressive look just now, but a gentle and sunny smile.

"It seems that I misunderstood you, sorry, KING."

"'s nothing...just don't be so impulsive next time..."

KING was a little confused about Tongzi's completely different reactions before and after, but the current situation is considered to be a fool?

"Wow, I didn't expect that you, KING, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, turned out to be a nerd who likes Galgame."

KING was startled, turned around to look, and was surprised to find that Tongzi, who had been outside the door before, entered his home at some point.

And what made him even more desperate was that Tongzi was actually holding a Galgame he had bought before.

Unlike most steel straight men who like H-games, KING especially likes Galgames, especially when the beautiful girls in Galgames call his brother with a soft voice...

"KING Pigeon, come on, come and have fun, anyway, I have a lot of time."

"I really want to die ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—"

KING covered his face with his hands and knelt powerlessly on the floor of the entrance.


Everyone has weaknesses.

When a person's weakness is revealed, then he/she can only be played by you.

The same is true of KING, who is known as "the strongest man on earth".

When his hobby was discovered, KING confessed everything very honestly.

"So, you are just a passer-by? It just so happens that every time you walk on the road, you bump into some weird people every time, you happen to be rescued every time you are about to be killed, and it so happens that the person who saved you was not found , on the contrary, the credit for that person's defeat of the weirdo should be credited to you?"

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