
Even though he was fighting with Springbeard, the weirdo still had the energy to notice something else - Tongzi and KING standing in the distance.

Although he was surprised that there were two more humans in the no-man's land, it was just a surprise.

It doesn't even pay attention to A-level heroes, let alone two ordinary humans?

The strange man randomly separated two of the dozens of kelp and stabbed at the two ordinary humans.

If you want to blame, blame you for not running away in fright after seeing yourself...

The weird man who was thinking this way suddenly froze, and then his whole body, starting from his head, split into two halves and fell to the ground.




Chapter 97 I, KING, have nothing to fear


"It's so easy to die? I haven't even come out yet."

Tongzi put away her sword and pouted at the corpse of the monster that had been cut in half on the ground.

And the spring beard who was desperately defending against the kelp attack in the distance, after the monster died, and the kelp naturally stopped, he still desperately swung the broken rapier to defend his whole body.

It wasn't until he waved it for a while that he finally realized something was wrong, and then stopped.

Spring Beard couldn't believe it at all. After more than ten seconds, his brain accepted what his eyes saw.

Unexpectedly, he could survive the fierce battle. The feeling of gratitude for the rest of his life made him feel exhausted, and he sat down on the ground.

Spring Beard expressed his sincere gratitude to Tongzi, and at the same time lamented that "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead".

However, he didn't recognize KING who was following Tongzi. After all, KING's cross-dressing made him look like Yume Shino in "Naruto".

Wearing this body on the street, you are guaranteed to be the focus of the police and security wherever you go.

After defeating the weirdo, Tongzi called an ambulance, and before the ambulance arrived, Tongzi and KING simply stayed here.

The two A-level heroes who came here to investigate, one of them, the golden ball, was seriously injured and fainted, and the spring beard was also exhausted. With his current situation, how much combat power he can display, you can tell just by looking at it .

If there are new monsters appearing at this time, then take two heads directly.

Help people to the end, send Buddha to the west, anyway, Saitama's house is there, and he won't run away like the house in "Pirates of the Caribbean".

So Tongzi and KING stayed behind until the ambulance carried the golden ball and spring beard into the car and watched the ambulance leave, then Tongzi and King continued towards Saitama's house.


In the small apartment, Saitama was lying on the floor, watching TV with one hand supporting his head, while the other hand was reaching into his pants to pick his butt.

Reading comics and watching TV are the must-dos of his lazy life.

Before he became a professional hero, he just got the incidents of strange people appearing in a certain place from TV, and then rushed there to eliminate the strange people.

Of course, after becoming a professional hero, he should do the same.

But Saitama is not alone in his family.

Genos, wearing an apron, was standing in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the two of them.

It's just that Genos's way of preparing lunch is a little different from others.

He held the pot with one hand, and the palm of his hand was aligned with the bottom of the pot, and then activated the incinerator in his palm, but kept the output to a minimum.

Even the bare minimum is enough to cook the contents of the pot.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.


Saitama walked over suspiciously.

Few people visit the no-man's land, and even those who collect rent dare not come here, let alone sell newspapers at the door.

With such doubts, Saitama opened the door and saw a man and a woman standing outside the door.

"Tongzi, why are you here?"

"Why, aren't you welcome?"

"Of course not. It's just that why don't you say a word, so that I can be prepared."

Saitama's brain was running at full speed, quickly calculating the amount of food for the two of them in his mind.

Tongzi is a girl, and girls usually don't eat a lot, but this big guy...

Saitama turned his head to look at the suspicious person standing next to Tongzi, wearing sunglasses and a mask, and pulling his hat up.

Speaking of which, who is this guy?

"Saitama, I almost forgot to introduce you. This is...K. I won't go around in circles, and I'll get straight to the point. We're here this time, because K actually has something to do, and I want to ask your disciple Genos... By the way Is Genos here?"


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