"That's just right. We bought something when we came here. Let me show off my skills later."

As Tongzi said, she took out a bag from behind.

And when Saitama saw the bag, he couldn't move his eyes away.

"This...this is..."

Isn't this very high-grade beef?And there are so many?

When visiting other people's homes, especially when you have something to trouble others, you can't come to the door empty-handed.

This is a necessary skill for social people.

So Tongzi and KING went to the supermarket before they came to No Man's Land.

It's the same beef, but there are many kinds of it, and Tongzi doesn't know which one is the best.

Based on the principle that the expensive one will not be bad, Tongzi chose the most expensive beef.

Of course, the money must be paid by KING.

Saitama's apartment is not spacious, and there are two more people at once, which makes it a little crowded, but neither Tongzi nor others care so much.

The high-grade beef brought by Tongzi is cooked by Tongzi herself, and then the seasoning from Saitama's family is placed with the meat, and then the "cooking" skill is used on these ingredients, and the cooking is done.

Looking at the steaming beef, everyone's appetites were whetted.

Saitama grabbed a piece first, and his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't help but take a big mouthful of rice.

Seeing Saitama's reaction, KING also caught a piece of beef, but also couldn't stop.

Although Genos is a robot, he still has food and water that normal humans eat.

Although the teacher only cares about the beef made by Tongzi and ignores his own, but because he tasted Tongzi's superb craftsmanship, he feels ashamed and even asks Tongzi to teach him how to cook at the dinner table.

Of course Tongzi refused.

After drinking and eating, Tongzi said the purpose of the trip.

"So that's it. Are you looking for Dr. Cusnow?"

Genos thought for a moment, and instead of agreeing immediately, he asked questions.

"But I have to ask clearly, what exactly are you looking for Dr. Cusino for?"

Tongzi and KING looked at each other, and finally KING explained.

"I would like to trouble Dr. Kusnow to help me create a robot that can be operated remotely."


Genos was on the alert.

Because his home was destroyed by an out-of-control robot 4 years ago, and he was almost killed. It was only thanks to Dr. Cusno that he recovered his life, and under the transformation of Dr. Cusno, he carried out mechanized remodel.

Therefore, Genos is very sensitive to the word "robot".

"Why do you need a robot, KING?"

"KING? Aren't you K? Tongzi, what's going on?"

Saitama touched his bright head in confusion, he really felt like he was confused.

Hearing that Genos actually saw through his disguise, KING is worthy of being "the strongest man on earth", he was not guilty at all, and stood up very calmly at that time...

Then he ran out the door.

Chapter 98 The Talkative Disciple


"Jenos, how do you know KING's true identity?"

Tongzi looked at Genos while holding KING running towards the door.

"As long as you scan with an electronic eye, you can get accurate data, especially when you were eating just now, Mr. 'K' also took off his mask. Although the sunglasses have not been taken off, as long as these data are combined The picture of KING on the hero roster can be compared, and the similarity between the two is more than 80%. But even so, I am not sure that this Mr. 'K' is really the S-level The 7th KING, so I said that on purpose, the purpose is to test the two, and the result is just as I expected. So, K or KING, why do you need Dr. Cusnow to help you create a remote Operating robots? What is your real purpose? Did you do the incident 4 years ago?"

Kiriko looked at it with a dazed expression, Genos, who had spoken for such a long time without even a pause in the middle, touched Saitama with his elbow after a long while.

"Saitama, have your disciples always been this talkative?"

Saitama also slapped himself on the forehead.

"It's better now. You don't even know how long he told me about his life experience when he first came to me."

Genos pointed his hands at Tongzi and KING, and the center of his palm lit up as the incinerator was warming up.

"answer me."

Kiriko raised her hands in surrender.

"Well, since the real identity has been known, there is no point in continuing to hide it. King, what do you think?"

KING took off the mask and mask, and took off the hood.

He just opened his mouth, but Tongzi took the first step.

"Actually, I know it's hard for KING to speak up about this matter, so let me talk about it."

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