Tongzi thinks about it and organizes her words.

"The current KING is no longer the previous KING. The current KING has lost its power and is just an ordinary person."

Genos froze for a moment.

"What do you mean?"

The light of the incinerator in his hand also dimmed, but even so, he still did not let go of his guard.

"It's actually a sad story."


A long time ago, there was a child named KING.

Like other children, he has nothing to fear except homework.

Later, on his way from school, he met an old beggar.

The old beggar only took one glance to see that he was extremely talented, his bones were amazing, he was a unique martial arts prodigy, so he sold him a copy of martial arts cheats for ten yuan.

After getting the martial arts secret book, KING, like a treasure, worked hard and practiced hard, and finally created the secret of KING's Qigong technique "Purgatory Wushuang Explosive Heat Wave Cannon".

After creating his own nirvana, KING, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, finally became the 7th hero in the S class and won the title of "the strongest man on earth".

After becoming the strongest hero, KING still did not give up on his own practice, but with the continuation of practice and the improvement of his strength, he suddenly discovered that the martial arts cheat book sold to him by the old beggar was actually not at all. Simple.

Although this martial arts cheat book can greatly improve a person's strength in a short period of time, it has one of the most fatal flaws...

It is this shortcoming that makes the old beggar, who clearly possesses martial arts cheats, end up in a situation where he can only cheat elementary school students out of money.

And the big flaw is that... it's...

"Well, so that's how it happened."

Saitama scratched his shiny head irritably.

"Your sister, you've said a lot, what exactly do you want to say, and what's next?"

Tongzi waved his hand.

"Don't pay attention to these details, Saitama, big things don't care about small things, don't you think, Genos?"

Genos didn't speak, but his electronic eyes have clearly expressed his meaning:

I don't believe in a single punctuation mark.

But in the end he agreed to take Tongzi and KING to find Dr. Cusino.

The reason is simple. Since the Heroes Association represents justice, Tongzi and KING, who are both S-level heroes like Genos, are naturally justice.

In addition, Genos knew that Tongzi and KING were hiding something from him, but what he could intuitively feel was that the two were hiding it from him, not because they wanted to harm Dr. Cusno, but because they had something unspeakable to hide.

Of course, if they dared to lie to him, if they dared to be unfavorable to Dr. Kusino, he would use the incinerator to burn them to ashes.


"Here we are, now you can take it off."

After hearing this, Tongzi reached out and took off the black mask on her head.

She looked around and found that it was an empty underground parking lot.

As long as you look carefully, you can find that this underground parking lot has not been maintained for a long time, the walls are mottled and cracked, there are spider webs in the corners, and there is thick dust on the ground.

Genos, who got off the car first, held out his hand to Tongzi and KING after they got off the car.

"Give me the mask, I'll wear it when I go out later."

Tongzi handed over herself and KING's black mask, and complained unhappily.

"Anyway, everyone is also an S-class hero, so there is no need to do this."

However, Janos still had that cold face.Except for Saitama, he is so indifferent to everyone.

"Some necessary measures can allow us to have more trust in each other."

Genos put the black mask away, put it in his pocket, and walked forward first.

"Let's go quickly, don't keep Dr. Cusnow waiting too long."

Tongzi and KING looked at each other and followed closely.

At Saitama's house before, Genos agreed to take the two to see Dr. Cusno, but he also had one condition-that is, let the two wear black masks that can't see anything.

This black mask is definitely not just as simple as being made of black cloth. At least after Tongzi put it on, all vision and hearing of the outside world, including the sense of smell, disappeared.

If possible, she really wanted to use her skills to disassemble the black mask to see what material it was made of.

But for KING's lifelong event, she finally held back.

The two followed Genos and entered an elevator. After the elevator opened the door, they went straight through a corridor, and finally came to a room full of mechanical creations.

In the room, an old man with a bamboo hat and a long nose was doing something to the machine on the table.

"Dr. Cusnow."

"Janos, you are here."

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