Dr. Cusnow turned around.

"Are these two the guests you mentioned on the phone?"

Before coming, Janos used his mobile phone to contact Kusno so that the latter could prepare.

Chapter 99 How many people are still fans of machine warfare?


"So, Mr. King, is it you who want to make a teleoperated robot?"

KING nodded obediently.

"I won't ask you the reason. Although I, an old man, have lived in this laboratory all year round, I have heard a little about the information from the outside world. Since you are a hero like Genos, then I believe you must It will not be used to commit evil."

"Please rest assured, Dr. Cusno, I will definitely use the robot you made to uphold justice."

"I understand, it's just that I have a small problem. In the field of robotics, Dr. Beaufoy—in your terms, Metal Knight, he is better than me. Since both of them are S-class heroes, why? Why don't you ask Metal Knight, who is also an S-rank hero, for help?"

Tongzi and KING looked at each other.

Finally, Tongzi said.

"Although the metal knight has a lot of cutting-edge technology, this person has no interest in helping others. Even if he asks him for help, he will probably only meet with nothing. That's why King and I came to you."

Dr. Cusno's wrinkled face showed an understanding expression.

"Really? I get it, so let's talk about it in detail..."

"Dr. Cusnow, I want to ask, can you make a robot that looks like a woman?"

Just after KING finished speaking, the air became quiet.

After feeling the strange gaze from others, KING immediately shivered, and said with a righteous face.

"I'm just kidding……"

"Mr. King, I don't know what heroes are like, but when discussing business, it's better not to make some irrelevant jokes."

"I see, sorry, Dr. Cusnow."

Afterwards, KING and Dr. Kusino started a discussion that lasted for 5 hours.

Dr. Cusno's accomplishments in the field of robotics are no different than Metal Knight, after all, Genos was transformed by him.

Although KING is not an expert, he has a lot of game experience and can often come up with a lot of novel insights:

For example, install a red high-heat plate on the chest of the robot, and then spray a 30000-degree high temperature that is enough to instantly melt the enemy;

Another example is the manufacture of three fighter planes. These three fighter planes can also be combined and transformed into robots for air combat, land combat, and naval warfare;

It doesn't matter if you don't do those fancy designs, as long as you paint the body red, you can give the enemy an illusion that "this body is 300% faster than ordinary robots."

Although KING is not an expert in the field of robotics, he has played every game of "Super Robot Wars", and he has passed all the routes of each game.

Therefore, Dr. Cusno was amazed by his insights and views on robots.

The conversation between the two parties... couldn't be stopped at all, and the indoors didn't know whether it was day or night outside, so when the conversation between the two finally came to an end, it was already 5 hours later.

After negotiating, the next step is to give money.

KING needs to pay a deposit equivalent to half of all expenses.

After all, to manufacture the robot required by KING, a lot of parts are needed, except for some parts that can be directly used from Dr. Kusnow's existing inventory, a large part needs to be purchased outside.

Dr. Cusno was not worried that the two would renege on their debts, but the doctor didn't have that much money to buy the parts that KING needed.

KING didn't bring that much cash, and finally Tongzi took out gold from the dimension bag to rescue KING.

This is the first time that Dr. Cusno has seen someone directly using gold as currency.

However, Kusino found that the gold bricks produced by Tongzi were more pure than the pure gold on the market, and he also agreed with Tongzi to pay off the debt with gold.

After the final calculation, Tongzi took out the gold bricks equivalent to all the expenses. This money can be regarded as Tongzi’s advance payment for KING, and later waited for KING to go to the bank before transferring the money to Tongzi.

It will take some time to manufacture a remote-operated robot, and then it needs to be tested. In short, it cannot be completed overnight. Before that, KING can only wait patiently.

He continued to wear the black hood, and was sent away from Dr. Cusno by Genos until he was sent to the downtown area of ​​City Z before he took off the hood.

Dr. Cusnow and KING exchanged mobile phone numbers, so that when the production is completed, they can notify KING to pick up the goods.If KING has any questions, you can always contact Dr. Cusino.

"Then that's it, I didn't expect it to be already dark."

Tongzi recalled that she went out with Fubuki yesterday morning, so many things happened in two days.

It feels like a long time has passed.

"That, Miss Tong...?"

However, just as Tongzi was about to take a taxi back, KING behind him called him to stop.

"Just call me Tongzi, that's what my friends call me."

Although I have known KING for less than two days, Tongzi thinks that KING is a good person, and it doesn't hurt to make friends.

Tongzi originally asked Chuuxue to call her by her own name directly, but Chuuxue was stubborn and insisted on calling herself "Master Tong". As time passed, Tongzi let her go.

"What's the matter, is there anything else, King?"

Tongzi looked at KING, slapped his head, as if thinking of something, suddenly realized.

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