"About the money, I'm actually not in a hurry. It's the same if you give it to me in a few days. Don't worry, it's okay."

"It's not about this, it's actually..."

KING lowered his head, and seemed to be particularly embarrassed to speak. After a while, he finally made up his mind and said.

"Tong... son, may I live in your house?"


"Will our development be too fast? You want to sleep in my bed after only knowing each other for two days?"


"Just kidding, actually I understand."

In fact, Tongzi didn't think of this before, but after being reminded by KING, she just remembered...

To put it bluntly, KING is actually a little insecure.

After all, he himself is just an ordinary person, and his home address is clearly written in the roster of heroes, including the house number, and today even his home was invaded by a Norwegian sea monster...

That Norwegian sea monster is probably not another person who regards Sun Yifeng as his eldest brother.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible for KING to subconsciously look for someone or something that can make him feel a little bit more secure.


Tongzi took a look at KING's tall body, which was the same as Gazef's.

It would be nice if this was a cute girl.

Forget it, anyway, there is already one more tenant in the house, so it doesn't matter if there is another one.

And when KING remotely operates the robot in the future, he can also stay at his own home, so that he will not be afraid of weird people coming to ride his face according to the address written on the hero list.

"Okay, then you come with me."


After taking a taxi, on the way back, Tongzi suddenly remembered that the spices at home seemed to be used up.

You must know that the entire Fubuki team ate at their own home, so they must have used a lot of seasoning.




Chapter 100 I give you this pair of 20-pound dumbbells as a gift


Although "cooking" can try to make good-tasting food under limited conditions, if there are better ingredients and seasonings, then the dishes made will naturally increase exponentially.

So on the way back, I stopped by the supermarket and bought oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, etc., and I bought a big bag.

By the time Tongzi and KING arrived home in a taxi, it was already past 7 o'clock in the evening, and all members of the Fuxue team were starving.

I am used to the dishes made of Tongzi, and I find it hard to swallow when I eat takeaway. Even the food in the restaurant is not delicious.

A group of people are as hungry as ants on a hot pan.

Blowing snow more than once, called the eyelashes with the best eyesight to go up to the roof and watch to see if Tongzi came back.

When the door opened, Fubuki was as happy as a puppy who had finally waited for his master to come home.

"Master Tong, can you finally come back..."

Before finishing the next few words, Fubuki stared blankly at KING who entered the door with Kiriko and disguised himself as an oily girl Shino.



In an instant, the bloody plot in the TV series, like a revolving lantern, scrolled back and forth in Fuxue's mind.

"Master Tong, who is he?"

Chuuxue's tone was as wronged as a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Without waiting for Tongzi to explain, KING took the initiative to remove the cross-dressing.


Fubuki was so shocked that his whole body turned white, as if the painter forgot to paint.

Not only Fubuki, but the entire Fubuki team were so shocked that they turned white.

As long as he was a professional hero, he would not be unaware of the meaning of the name KING.

Although his hero ranking is only 7th in the S class, his hero title is enough to explain everything.

But why, the strongest man on earth, would come here?

Could it be that……

"Take it, Fuxue."

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