Tongzi gave Fubuki the bag she bought in the supermarket.

Chuuxue took it, and suddenly felt a strong force coming from her hand, which made her almost unable to grasp it.

"It's so heavy."


Tongzi glanced at Fubuki, took the bag back, and weighed it.

"Is it heavy? I don't think it's particularly heavy."

After weighing it, he stuffed the bag back to Chuuxue.

"Sorry for disturbing you."

KING bowed slightly towards the people in the room, and the people in the Fubuki group also quickly bent down.

Afterwards at the dinner table, the atmosphere became very quiet.

The members of the Fubuki team, because there are so many people like KING present, will inevitably feel awkward.And KING also felt uncomfortable eating with so many people for the first time, so he didn't open his mouth.

As for Tongzi...

There is a saying in her country, "Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep", so she never talks when eating.

On the other hand, Chuuxue kept her head down, looking sullen, and she didn't know what this little girl was thinking.

The days that followed were no different than usual, except that KING asked Tongzi to visit his house and brought his computer game consoles, game discs, comics, and other fat house happy packages.

From a living room where one person plays games on one screen, to a living room where two people play games on two screens.

It's just that Fubuki, who was supposed to look up but not down, seems to avoid contact with Tongzi intentionally or unintentionally.

No matter how dull Tongzi was, she knew that Fubuki must be angry.

Although Tongzi didn't understand why Fubuki was angry, she still subconsciously felt that she should have done something wrong.

When a girl is angry, she must coax her.

It's like the author is cooing, but also to coax.

That kind of "armed door-to-door reminder" behavior is bad civilization!

Very bad very bad civilization!

When girls get angry, they usually take it to go shopping, watch a movie, or give a gift.

Tongzi thought about it and decided to give a gift.

Because gift giving is the most time-saving option among these options.

So Tongzi thought about it, and finally gave Fubuki a gift.

...two 20-pound dumbbells.

Looking at Fubuki with a confused face, Tongzi said proudly.

"Yesterday I thought you were a little depressed. In fact, girls generally have less strength, and you are a hero with superpowers. You don't need to care about your strength. Of course, I also know that, in fact, you want to be strong from the bottom of your heart. Get up, so I'm giving you these dumbbells, as long as you keep exercising, believe me, you'll be a muscular girl in no time."

Fubuki stood there without moving, nor did he reach out to pick it up.

Tongzi is completely understandable.

Although there was no expression on Fubuki's face, she must have been moved to tears in her heart.

Just when Tongzi was thinking so, Fubuki ran out while crying.

"Master Tong is an idiot!"

Tongzi was left alone in a daze.

"Hey, did I do something wrong?"

"Tongzi, aren't you a girl? Why don't you understand girls at all?"

KING stopped talking here, and deliberately sighed.

"Hey, KING, what do you mean by taking such a big sigh? Believe it or not, I'll play you to death."

KING had no expression on his face when he heard the words, but the background sound of the "chug chug" of the king's engine sounded all around again.


Fubuki stood on the rooftop.

The evening wind was very cold, and she couldn't help wrapping her fur coat tightly around her body.

But in fact, her heart is colder than Wanfeng's.

Fubuki silently put her hands on her towering chest.

She felt an indescribable discomfort in this place.

Ever since seeing Kiriko and KING come back together, Fubuki felt a little stuffy in his chest.

Fubuki was no stranger to this feeling.

It was the feeling when she knew that something important to her was about to be taken away from her.

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