Fubuki was jealous.

She is jealous of KING.

Because she knew that from now on, the one who would replace her by Tongzi's side would definitely be KING.

After all, only the strongest man on the ground can stand beside the omnipotent Lord Tong.

However, if she could, she didn't want to let go.

She didn't want to experience the feeling of "lost" again.

However, she also knows that there are some things that are not what she wants.

Just when she was thinking wildly and couldn't come to a conclusion, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her, calling her name.


When Tongzi found Chuuxue, she stood silently on the roof alone.

The night wind made her fluffy coat flutter unceasingly.

"Blowing snow."

Tongzi called her from behind her.

Fubuki's body stiffened for a moment, but she didn't turn her head after all.

"You're angry?"

Tongzi walked over and walked to her side.

Fubuki turned half of her body, always facing Tongzi with her back.

Tongzi felt a little depressed.

Because she really didn't know what she did wrong.




When I woke up in the morning, I found that my girlfriend had leaked air (profiteer, I want to return it!)

Chapter 101 I don't go to hell, who goes to hell!


Fubuki could feel Tongzi standing behind her.

She bit her lip lightly.

"Master Tong, have you and KING known each other for a long time?"

Tongzi felt a little strange about Fubuki's question, but answered truthfully.

"No, I just met him the day before yesterday, what's the matter?"

"Then you left me suddenly the day before yesterday and ran away by yourself just to find him?"


Speaking of this, Tongzi suddenly had a little understanding.

As a hunk who has watched countless anime, she instinctively realized something was wrong.


Two women and one man?

Emotional entanglements that are constantly being cut and reasoned?

What the hell!

"Listen to my explanation, Fuxue, things are not what you think."

As soon as these words came out of her mouth, Tongzi wanted to slap herself in the face, how could she subconsciously say the lines of a scumbag, why was she so proficient.

Fuyuki pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I understand, Lord Tong, in fact, I understand everything."

Even Kiriko herself didn't understand, but let's ask first.

"You understand? What do you understand?"

Fubuki said with a sad tone.

"Master Tong, I actually know that I am your burden, right? Not only me, but even the entire Fubuki team is your burden."

Although I don't quite understand why Fubuki said that, I always deny it first.

"I'm not, I'm not..."

"Master Tong, don't talk, just listen to me first, okay?"

"……it is good."

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