"Although the Fubuki group is the most organized and efficient hero faction in the entire Heroes Association, after all, all members are B-rank. Although I am number one, I am only number one in B-level. But Tong-sama, You are S-rank, and the friends you meet in the future will definitely be S-rank, people like me will be eliminated from your side one day, right?"


Looking at Fubuki with a sad expression on her face, Tongzi felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

For a long time, Fubuki has given Kiriko the image of a strong woman.

Not dependent on others, not shifted by others' will, strong, beautiful, efficient... This is the impression Fubuki left on Tongzi.

Or at least it was Fubuki's public impression.

She didn't really understand Fubuki until today.

As for the Fubuki group...how should I put it.

When it comes to the Fuxue group, her mood is still a bit complicated.

She never thought of joining any organization, it was Chuuxue who led the Fuxue team and bound her to the door.

At the beginning, I really felt that these people were annoying, and I also thought that they were not so much heroes as organizations like Longli's Dongchenghui or Omi United.

Because if you compare the professional heroes in this world horizontally with those superheroes in Marvel movies, how many of them are like them?

However, after getting along with each other for a long time, they gradually began to get used to it.

The Fubuki group is indeed a bit like an organization like the Tojo Club or the Omi Union, but it's just like that.

They did not go to the streets to collect protection fees, did not smuggle or sell drugs, and did not do anything illegal. Instead, they patrolled the streets every day, knocked down strange people when they encountered strange people, and protected ordinary people from the hands of strange people.

Although everyone in Fubuki's team really doesn't look like heroes, they are indeed heroes.

As for the elimination that Fuxue said...

Life is not a competition, there are eliminations in competitions, but there is no elimination in life.

No one has ever stipulated that S-class can only stay with S-class.

People should climb to higher places.

But when you climb up, you should not forget the friends you think are the "bottom".

At least in Tongzi's heart, she didn't feel that Fubuki and everyone in the Fubuki group were inferior to S rank in any other way than strength.

Tongzi didn't know how to answer, so she had to prove it with practical actions.

She pulled Fuxue into her arms, although because of her height, it was more like she was leaning on Fuxue's arms.

Fubuki was surprised by Tongzi's actions, but after being surprised, he also put his arms around Tongzi.

Just like that, the two stood quietly in the evening breeze.

"Blowing snow."

"What's the matter, Lord Tong?"

"Your older sister is the second-ranked S-rank Twilight Tornado, isn't she?"

Fubuki didn't speak, but just shook his body.

"I remember you once said that you are not as good as your sister in any way... You are wrong. You have many advantages in you. These advantages are your sister, and they are far inferior to yours."

"Really, Master Tong?"


Tongzi felt the warmth of Chuuxue's heart and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"Also, Fubuki, in my heart, I have never regarded you, or the Fubuki group, as a burden."

Fubuki's body trembled slightly.

"If you are lying, don't say it, I won't be happy if you say it."

"This is real."

Although reluctant, Tongzi still left Fubuki's arms, she held her hand, looked into her eyes and said.

"Why would I abandon you? Even Raphtalia, who was just a child back then, I adopted and took good care of her."

"Raphtalia, who is she? A foreigner?"

The words Raphtalia seemed to have great magical power, and Fubuki, who was clearly depressed before, narrowed his eyes slightly vigilantly.

Noticing the change in Fubuki's face, Tongzi was inexplicably flustered for some reason.

"Uh, this...Let's say it's a foreigner, so you can say that..."

Melomag is a country in another world, and it is not only separated from this world by a country, but also separated by a world. It is not wrong to say that it is a foreigner.

"Foreigner? Master Tong, do you like big ocean horses?"

"Pfft! What big ocean horse, don't talk nonsense. Raphtalia is just a child, but her body is developing faster."

"Then Master Tong, are you a lolicon?"

"Why did you come to such a conclusion? I'm not Yongye/Xiu'an, besides, I adopted Raphtalia, Thor and Kangna, which doesn't mean I'm a lolicon, it's just that I adopted Child, it happens to be just a loli."

"It's the name of a girl I don't know. Sure enough, Mr. Tong, you still like Dayang horses, right?"

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