"Hey, listen to me."

"Collect the loli you like, and then carry out the Guangyuan's plan to raise them into your favorite big horse. Is this also within your plan, Mr. Tong?"

"Why don't you listen to people?"

"Loritron plus Yanmar, I didn't expect you, Master Tong, to be a two-way plug."

"No, no, no, I said no, and the two-way plug is not used like this...Hey, don't use your phone to Google, you look up that word, you will regret it."




Chapter 102 You Are Really a Ghost Name


"Do you three need coffee?"

The staff in uniform looked at the three of them with gentle expressions.

"Have three cups of coffee."

Fubuki, who was sitting next to Tongzi, said coldly, showing the temperament of a cold queen.

"I don't want coffee, do you have Coke? If not, Fanta will do."

Tongzi raised her hand.

"Please give me the same one as Tongzi."

KING also raised his hand.

"Yes, please wait a moment."

This is the VIP waiting room of Z City Airport.

The reason why the three of Tongzi are here is purely because KING wants to invite Tongzi to M City to participate in the comic exhibition in order to repay Tongzi.

City M is a city famous for ACG, all the shops here are related to ACG, and it is the holy place of ACG.

The annual comic exhibition is naturally also held in M ​​City.

Tongzi has never been to a comic exhibition. In her previous life, due to her financial situation, she was not allowed to pay the round-trip bus fare just to attend the comic exhibition.

But now, she no longer worries about money, not to mention that KING is responsible for all the expenses.

Just in order to avoid Fubuki getting angry like last time, Tongzi brought Fubuxue with her.

Of course, Tongzi didn't ask KING to cover Fuxue's expenses, so she wasn't so unreasonable. Since she was the person she wanted to add, she would naturally pay for Fuxue's expenses.

Their drinks were delivered quickly, and after drinking their drinks and chatting casually with each other for a while, it was finally their turn to board the plane.

The seat booked by KING was in the first class cabin, and the stewardess politely guided the three of Tongzi to the front of the seat.

There are relatively few passengers in the first-class cabin, and almost half of the seats are not filled.

As the plane took off, Fubuki took out the blindfold and put it on his eyes, as if he was planning to take a nap, while KING took out his handheld with great energy.

Tongzi, who didn't want to sleep, took out her handheld and played with KING.

"Kiriko, have you watched "ZOO-men"?"

""ZOO-men"? Brute-men?"

KING just took a sip of fat house happy water and sprayed it on the handheld.

He complained while wiping the phone with a tissue.

"Anyway... the Brutalist is too impolite, isn't it?"

"Shouldn't that be called the Beast Heavenly Group?"

"Let's call it Animal Squad."

"That's not as good as the Beast Heavenly Group."

Tongzi manipulated the character in the handheld, disapproving.

"...This is a hero special drama about the team type. Every member of the animal team has a personality, and no matter what time it is, there is an unbreakable bond between them."

"Generally speaking, things that are unbreakable? Often they are self-defeating."

Facing Tongzi's toughness, KING still did not give up preaching.

"In short, I strongly recommend you to take a look."

"But this name is really discouraging. And the selling point of teamwork means that the individual's strength is not outstanding. In reality, the role of the individual is too small, so I still like individual heroism... I met the boss."

Tongzi controlled the character to rush towards the boss, and the two sides immediately started a fierce battle.

But the character controlled by KING stood far away, showing no intention of going forward to help.

"This boss is really powerful, KING, don't just stand there, help me increase my blood."


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