"KING, why don't you move, hurry up."

"Add what?"


"What is blood gain? I only see that you are losing blood."


Because he had to talk to KING, the operation in his hands was undoubtedly a bit slower. The character controlled by Tongzi was hit hard by the boss several times, and his life was dying.

"I'm going to die, KING, hurry up and fuck me."

"Don't you like individual heroism?"

"No, that... this... don't worry about it so much, just add blood to me quickly..."

However, although Tongzi may be invincible in reality, in the game, she is really a picky one. Before she could finish her sentence, the character under her control was stepped on by the BOSS. HP Clear directly.

"Huh, 鶸."

After the character controlled by Tongzi died, the character controlled by KING rushed forward.

Even though it was a support job, it fought back and forth with the BOSS. Although the damage wasn't high, the BOSS' blood volume was indeed decreasing bit by bit.

Moreover, the character controlled by KING is obviously not fast, but his position can always just avoid the attack of the boss, just like the long gun and gun gun who play evasive style in Monster Hunter.

Tongzi watched dejectedly as KING fought the boss alone, and when the boss's blood volume was finally about to be wiped out...

In the back of the cabin, suddenly there was a scream.

No matter what they were doing, the passengers in the first class were shocked when they heard the scream.

Except Fubuki who put on not only the blindfold but also the earmuffs while sleeping, she was the only one who was still sleeping.

A vicious man in a suit holding a stewardess in one hand and pointing a pistol at the stewardess' head in the other.

When this vicious man kidnapped the stewardess and entered the first-class cabin, a female passenger who was originally sitting in the first-class cabin also stood up, and she also held a gun in her hand, aiming at the passengers in the first-class cabin .

"Don't move! Everyone, get down...uh...uh..."

The female robber was still screaming fiercely just now, but the next second, she was puzzled to find that her eyes kept falling.

Not only her, the male robber who took a hostage also fell into the same situation as her.

Suddenly discovering that the kidnapper who was hugging her suddenly lost his head, the flight attendant's face suddenly turned pale, and she was about to scream.

Tongzi almost flinched and rushed to the cabin behind.

The stewardess screamed, and the other robbers who were controlling the hostages in the cabin behind naturally changed their expressions.

But before they could take any action, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the cabin in front.

The black light flashed several times, the robbers' eyes widened, their faces were still blank, and their heads fell to the ground.

"Huh, 鶸."

Standing on the aisle between the seats on both sides of the cabin, Tongzi indifferently put the long sword back into the scabbard slowly.

The passengers sitting in the seats all looked at Tongzi in bewilderment, and then they looked at the terrorist whose head fell to the ground. This quiet atmosphere lasted for a few seconds...

Crazy cheers erupted in the cabin.

In less than 3 minutes, they experienced the process from being hijacked to being rescued.

This group of terrorists is undoubtedly the most unlucky. Before they even had time to control the cockpit, they all went to see God.

Chapter 103 Animal World


Nothing happened after that, except that no matter the ordinary passengers or the crew members on the plane, they all looked at Tongzi with adoring eyes.

And there is more than one person, please ask the stewardess to go to the first class cabin to ask for Tongzi's autograph.

In this way, after the plane landed at the airport in M ​​City, the people on board did not leave the airport immediately, but were taken away by the police and special police who had been waiting there for a long time.

Even if the incident has been resolved, the necessary security review still needs to be carried out.

Just in case there are terrorists lurking among the remaining people.

If Tongzi, who took action against the terrorists, was just an ordinary person, he would also have to be taken for investigation.

But Tongzi is not an ordinary person, not only she is not, but neither are the other two people who boarded the plane with her.

Although the police wanted to take Tongzi back to the police station to inquire about the situation, but the cadres from the Hero Association also arrived at the scene and filed a strong complaint. In desperation, the police had to let Tongzi and others leave.

The Heroes Association arranged a car for Tongzi and others to take them to the hotel they had booked long ago. After sending them to the hotel, the driver respectfully handed over his business card and said that if there is any need, You can call him and he is guaranteed to be on call.


Every autumn season, a group of strange creatures will follow the nature of migration and come to M City.

They're dead nerds who came to Comic-Con.

During this year's grand migration comparable to the Spring Festival travel rush, tens of thousands of dead houses will wear COSP..L..A..Y clothes and flock to M City.

Dead nerds have traveled long distances to come here, and their purpose is the same as that of all migratory mammals.

Stockpile resources in preparation for winter (buy figurines or other things that nerds like), and make friends.

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