Be prepared to say, the second is the point.

The males here will try all kinds of ways to make themselves stand out, win the favor of females, and even gain the right to mate with themselves.

In order to compete for the rare females, males sometimes engage in fierce duels in addition to competition.

However, such duels are often not fatal.

Rather, before the winner is decided, both duelists will suffer from the syndrome of lack of exercise due to long-term game play.

Those dead houses who have successfully obtained the right to have sex, and even the hearts of females, many of them will return here with their offspring a year later.To ensure that the lifestyle of the dead house can continue.

However, it should be noted that behind every success, there are a large number of losers.The male dead nerds who failed to get females had to return to their habitat alone, and then paralyzed themselves with a lot of anime and games.

Tongzi, KING, and Fubuki rested in the hotel for one night, and went to the comic exhibition the next day.

The whole street is full of people, and everyone is dressed in strange clothes, even the security guards who maintain the order of the exhibition are also dressed in the costumes of the Imperial Stormtroopers in "Star Wars".

What surprised Tongzi was that he would meet Atomic Samurai and his three apprentices at the comic exhibition.

The four masters and apprentices were all dressed up like Jedi knights, with lightsabers in their hands "buzzing" and slashing at each other.

Although the COSP..L..A..Y costumes and props of Atomic Samurai and others are very sophisticated, Tongzi feels that they are still missing one thing.

A white dragon horse should be added. The white dragon horse is the best match for the four masters and apprentices.

Unfortunately, Tongzi received an urgent call from the headquarters of the Heroes Association after only participating in the exhibition for one day:

There was an emergency in Z city, and Tongzi and KING needed to rush back to Z city immediately, and go to the Heroes Association branch in Z city to join other S-level heroes.

If you need S-level heroes to dispatch, at least they are ghost-level, and if you need S-level heroes to gather, then you may be dealing with dragon-level heroes.

The liaison officer of the Heroes Association was very tight-lipped and refused to say what was going on.

If that's the case, then you have to go back.

Originally, Tongzi thought that it would be fine to go back alone.

After all, with KING's situation, it might not be helpful to go there, and Fubuki is a B-level, which may be beyond her ability.

But KING and Fubuki both asked to go back with Tongzi.

So the three of them took the transport helicopter prepared by the Heroes Association together and flew directly to Z City.

When the transport helicopter was about to arrive in City Z, the staff on the plane finally told the truth about the summoning of the S-class heroes:

It turned out that the headquarters of the Heroes Association discovered that a near-Earth object suddenly broke out of orbit and hit the earth, and 30 minutes ago, it calculated that the landing point of the meteorite was in Z City, so this is why they called the S-level heroes to Z City.

"30 minutes ago?"

After hearing what the staff said, Tongzi's face changed, and she took out her phone to check the time.

Although M City is not far from Z City, it will take time even by plane.What's more, when I received the contact from the headquarters of the Heroes Association, I was delayed for some time before boarding the plane.

If so, wouldn't that mean...

Tongzi hurriedly looked out of the porthole, and sure enough, in the distant sky, there was a meteorite that was too big and could be seen with the naked eye, with a red tail of smoke, falling from the sky.

Even though the transport helicopter was still some distance away from the meteorite, it could still feel the astonishing momentum.

If such a huge meteorite were allowed to fall to the ground, its power might not be less than that of a nuclear bomb, and the entire city of Z would probably cease to exist by then.

Although the Heroes Association issued an evacuation alert 30 minutes ago, this evacuation is different from the past after all. It is not enough to just hide in the evacuation center, and must stay away from Z City.

Anyone who has lived in a big city should know that there is usually a lot of traffic jams when going out in a big city, but now an evacuation warning is suddenly issued, asking everyone to leave City Z, and they must leave within 30 minutes, otherwise the meteorite will be destroyed. will fall and destroy everything...

In this case, is it possible to avoid traffic jams?

"Fly in the direction of the meteorite, no...let's open the cabin door."

Tongzi originally wanted to call the pilot and fly in the direction of the meteorite, so that she could use the Starburst Airflow Slash to cut the meteorite apart.

But then she thought that if the transport helicopter was flown there, Fubuki, KING, and the pilot in the transport helicopter would all be in danger.

Although I have never tried a standing long jump from such a far place, with my current physical fitness, it shouldn't be a problem to jump over it.

As long as you ride on the meteorite, a set of starburst airflow will cut down, and it is guaranteed to turn the meteorite into meteorite debris.


Although he didn't understand why Tongzi made such a request, the pilot opened the cabin door anyway.

"Master Tong, do you want to..."

Fubuki covered her mouth in shock as if she had thought of something.

"But this is too dangerous. Even if you can smash the meteorite, how can you come back..."

"Don't worry, it's alright."

Tongzi casually used a status magic on himself to check his attributes. With his current attributes, he was afraid that if he didn't do anything, he would hit his head on the meteorite, and the meteorite would probably shatter.

Just as Tongzi comforted Chuuxue, a black shadow suddenly flew out directly under the falling meteorite.




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