It turns out that when men flirt, women really don't have anything to do with it.

Chapter 104 Looking at Gintama again now, I still find it funny


Seen from a distance, this black shadow looked like a human figure, and it went straight into the interior of the meteorite impartially.

"Isn't that person..."

Before the black shadow got into the meteorite, Kiriko could see clearly that the figure was Saitama.

After Saitama drilled into the meteorite, the meteorite exploded suddenly!

Huge explosion!

The light of the explosion immediately engulfed the sky, and even the sunlight was robbed of its brilliance at this moment.

In this violent explosion, countless meteorite fragments flew in all directions.

Inside the transport helicopter, the red warning lights suddenly lit up, and the pilot tried his best to control the transport helicopter to evade.

But there are still several meteorite fragments, drawing a red trajectory towards this side.

Seeing that no matter what, the cumbersome transport helicopter can't escape, and everyone will end up in a plane crash...

Suddenly, several golden swords and guns appeared in the sky, crushing the incoming meteorite fragments one by one.

Tongzi stood behind the open cabin door, and a group of treasures flashed beside her. Under her control, the treasures attacked the flying meteorite fragments.

The pilot sitting in the cockpit operating the plane, although he didn't know what happened, but after witnessing the meteorite explosion, he reacted immediately and operated the transport helicopter away from Z city.

"Master Tong, I'll help you too."

Seeing Tongzi constantly controlling the group of treasures to attack the flying meteorite fragments, Fubuki, who reacted, also came over and used her super power to control the meteorite fragments in the air to collide with each other.

However, even though Tongzi and Fuyuki tried their best to offset the aftermath of the meteorite being destroyed, the range of the scattered fragments was still too large.

They can only try their best to protect the transport helicopter, but they cannot protect the entire city.

Even if King's Treasure is fully opened, it is still impossible to accurately shoot down all the meteorite fragments.

In the final analysis, without the assistance of the great sage, it is impossible to accurately calculate the landing points of all the meteorite fragments in a short period of time. If the group of treasures is launched blindly, it will only cause greater losses.


At this time, almost half a month has passed since the meteorite incident.

Although the meteorite was shattered, Z City escaped the fate of the entire city being destroyed, but due to the falling of the shattered meteorite fragments, part of the urban area of ​​Z City was still destroyed.

Fortunately, the citizens in the hard-hit urban areas have been evacuated.

Although there were still many citizens blocked on the way out of City Z, they were still outside the falling range of the meteorite fragments.

If Saitama hadn't smashed the meteorite and caused the entire meteorite to hit the ground, the resulting shock wave would have destroyed the entire city.

But even so, Saitama, who destroyed the meteorite at the end, was criticized by many people on the Internet.

These people believe that Saitama did not save the city, but the culprit that caused the half-destruction of City Z.

They spread their theories in every corner of the Internet and called on others to join the scolding war and boycott Saitama.And their approach has indeed attracted many people who don't know the truth, and really think that Saitama is the black sheep among heroes.

For a while, Saitama's personal homepage on Hero's official website received hundreds of thousands of dislikes and one-star negative reviews.

Not only that, but there are also many righteous people clamoring to teach Saitama, the black sheep, a lesson.It's just that when they found out that Saitama's family lived in the uninhabited area of ​​Z City...

None of these righteous people dared to shout that they were going to smash it.

"Saitama, I remember you used to complain about your lack of fame, but now you finally got your wish."

Kiriko sat in a coffee shop, looking at Saitama sitting in front of him.

Even though half a month has passed since the meteorite incident, the abuse on the Internet has subsided a lot, but there are still many people who are unwilling to let go of this bald man who can bring them a sense of refreshment.

Many people regard the Internet as a place outside the law. Some people actually don't care who is right and who is wrong. They only care about venting their emotions.

Standing on the moral high ground and accusing others, this is the fun of some people on the Internet.

Even in this coffee shop, although Saitama didn't wear the iconic yellow tights, but was wearing casual clothes, but his photos have been spread on the Internet, basically like playing with mobile phones to pay attention to current affairs , all recognize him.

Therefore, many people in the coffee shop looked at him with the eyes of "how dare this guy appear here openly".

Even Tong Zi, who drank coffee with him, was affected by Chi Yu.

"Why do you even say such things?"

Saitama scratched his shiny bald head.

He knew that Tongzi had no malice, so he was not angry.

"I was just joking, don't be angry."

Tongzi picked up the coffee cup and took a sip of coffee.

"But seriously, don't you really consider wearing a hat? Your current appearance, after all, is a bit... eye-catching."

Tongzi thought for a while, and finally said a more euphemistic word.

"What to change? I think my body looks good."

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