"Okay, you say yes."

Tongzi shrugged and stopped persuading.

After paying the bill, the two left under the unwelcoming eyes of everyone in the coffee shop.

By the way, just two days ago, Dr. Cusno called KING and said that the robot that KING wanted was ready, so yesterday KING couldn't wait to go to Genos and ask Genos to bring KING Go to Dr. Cusnow.

After that, KING didn't come back for a whole day, and I don't know what happened to him.

However, KING is an uncle who is almost 30 years old, so he should be able to take care of himself, so there is no need to worry too much.

"The couple in front, I'm sorry, please wait a moment."

On the way back, a strange man's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

But neither Kiriko nor Saitama cared.

So the person who called the two people behind hurriedly ran to the front and stopped them.

"I called you just now, why don't you stop?"

"Are you calling us?"

Tongzi and Saitama looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked at the two policemen who stopped him and Saitama, puzzled.

"But we're not a couple."

One of the policemen lifted the brim of his police cap.

"That's right, I'm sorry, but there is just one thing, can you please come to the police station."

"To the police station? We didn't do anything."

"No, just to make sure."


To be honest, Tongzi is very reluctant, but the police also serve the people, and it is also a citizen's duty to cooperate with the police—although Tongzi is not a citizen of this world.

Saitama also has no objection, mainly because this guy is very idle.

So the two followed them, got into the police car, and headed to the Z City Police Station.

Kiriko was separated from Saitama after being taken to the police station, and she was taken to a room alone.

Chapter 105 Are you from the Gintama studio?


"Please don't be nervous, I'm just asking you a few random questions."

Perhaps it was because Tongzi was young and cute, the police uncle who was in charge of interrogating her was very kind.


Tongzi nodded.

"First, have you met this man?"

The police uncle took out a portrait.

"This is a portrait of the prisoner drawn by eyewitnesses, but because it was dark at the time, there were only outlines..."

Although Tongzi knew that it was really impolite to say that, but...

Isn't this really the random graffiti of elementary school students?

Even the art in public restrooms is better than this one.

This portrait gives the impression that a tennis ball is growing on a football. Apart from the fact that the prisoner is bald, there is really no useful information to be seen.

Wait, bald?

Tongzi finally knew why she and Saitama were called to stop.

Sure enough, the subsequent questions basically revolved around Saitama.

The question asked by the police uncle is very simple, nothing more than who is Tongzi Saitama, how much does he know about Saitama, where does he live, what job does he do, etc...

"Saitama is not a criminal, because he is a hero."

"Hero? As far as I know, there doesn't seem to be one among heroes... wait a minute, is he the Saitama who has been making a lot of noise on the Internet recently?"


Because of the solution to the meteorite crisis, Saitama's hero ranking also rose from the 342nd in the C-level to the 5th in the C-level in one breath.

It was Kerbal Space Program-like speed of improvement that made him noticeable even if he wasn't in the hero circle.

The police uncle sighed, as if he understood something, he said earnestly.

"Little girl, I can understand your feelings. After all, you are still young. It is only when you are studying that it is only natural that you would worship heroes. I have a daughter who is about your age, and I also like Maidan who works part-time with her. The little brother who works in a labor shop, but ah..."

"At your age, it's better to study hard and try to get into a good university. If you want to survive in this society, a high degree of education is essential..."

For some reason, the police uncle suddenly began to chant.

"Uh, although I don't know what happened, but you seem to have misunderstood something."

"Really? It doesn't matter, as long as you know it yourself."

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