"No, no, the problem is that I don't know what you're talking about... Don't show that expression of looking at children, I really don't know what you're talking about."

"My men are asking your boyfriend. If your boyfriend is really a professional hero, he will let you go soon."

"You uncle, why don't you listen to people's words? You have already said that we are not a couple."

However, the police uncle ignored Tongzi again.

"Speaking of which, are you hungry? Would you like to order a bowl of pork chop rice for you?"

"...then order a bowl, and I will pay for it."

"It doesn't matter, it's my request."

The police uncle picked up his mobile phone and was about to call to order takeaway food. At this moment, there was a scream from outside the door.

The face of the police uncle changed immediately.

"You stay here, don't walk around, I'll go out and see the situation."

Without waiting for Tongzi's answer, the police uncle has already walked out of the interrogation room, and locked the door when he went out.

He did this not because he was afraid that Tongzi would escape, but to protect Tongzi.

As for Tongzi, who was sitting on the chair in the interrogation room, after hearing the screams, she knew that something must have happened, how could she be able to sit still?

So Tongzi also stood up and walked outside, a locked door could not stop her at all, she grabbed the doorknob and pulled gently, the whole door including the door frame was torn off by her.

At this moment, the hall outside was already in a mess.

Archives and documents were scattered everywhere, tables and chairs were overturned, and several policemen were lying in a pool of blood, life and death unknown.

And the culprit of all this, a man in green long clothes, was standing proudly in the hall.

The man was about forty or fifty years old, with a pair of flat glasses on the bridge of his nose, but strangely, his eyes were tightly closed.

What caught people's attention the most was the knife in the man's hand.

It was not an ordinary knife, but a knife emitting purple light.

The blade of that knife is wider and thicker than ordinary knives, and the whole knife emits a strange purple light. What's even weirder is that this knife has no handle, and it is replaced by a large number of metal pipes. These metal pipes seem to be Like life, wriggling in the man's knife-holding hand...

No, to be more precise, those metal pipes are the man's hands.

The rest of the police gathered on the other side of the hall, using desks and chairs as a position to form a line of defense. They raised their pistols one after another and aimed at the strange man.


Bang bang bang!

There was a loud gunshot, and the dense rain of bullets enveloped the strange man.

Hot weapons against cold weapons, who will win?

This is a question that even elementary school students know.

However, what happened next was beyond the expectations of the police.

The man blocked all the bullets with only the knife in his hand.

"Cheat... cheating, right?"

"Even bullets can be blocked, how is it possible? Is this still a human being?"

"We are not its opponent at all, so hurry up and ask the headquarters for help!"

"By the time the headquarters arrives, we may be too cold, not to mention..."

I didn't continue to say the following words, because they all knew that the companions in the police headquarters were just like them, just ordinary people.

Maybe they can subdue the vicious criminals, but they probably won't be opponents against such weird people who are not afraid of bullets.

The man obviously had the strength to kill these policemen easily, but he didn't do so. After blocking all the bullets, he actually withdrew his knife.

Although it is such a generous knife, it can be easily put into the scabbard of the knife.

It seems that the blade will change with the size of the scabbard.

The weirdo randomly grabbed a landline from the desk and threw it at the frightened policemen.

The police backed away, the phone dropped to the ground with a bang, and the receiver flew out and circled the floor.

"You are not my opponents, call more people over, so that it will be more fun to chop."

No matter the words or the tone of the weirdo, he didn't pay attention to the police at all.

Of course the police were very angry, but they also knew that the current situation was not good for them.But when faced with the phone thrown by the weirdo, no one picked it up.

After a while, someone picked up the phone.

It was the police uncle who just asked Tongzi.

A complicated expression appeared on his face, and then this complicated expression turned into firmness.

It's just that the policemen around the police uncle saw the number he dialed, but it wasn't the number of the police headquarters...

It's the number of the Heroes' Association.

Chapter 106 Whether it is a hero or a policeman, one should not act after asking for help

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