

The remaining police officers all looked at the director in shock.

They were obviously shocked by the director's decision to ask for help not from the police headquarters, but from the Heroes' Association.

"If I ask for help from the Heroes Association now, then at most our police department will become a disgrace to the police department, but if I ask for help from the police headquarters, and the reinforcements sent by the headquarters are also defeated by weirdos, then the entire police department will be reduced to nothing." The laughing stock of the whole society. Our personal honor and disgrace cannot override the honor and disgrace of the entire police system."

The officers were speechless.

The strange man had a surprised expression on his face when he heard what the police uncle said, but he didn't intervene.

"Ask for help from the Heroes' Association? That's fine, anyway, no matter if it's a hero or a policeman, I will kill them all... If you want to fight, I will give them 10 minutes. If they can't arrive within 10 minutes, then they will only I can collect corpses for you policemen."

The police uncle did not quarrel with the strange man, the waiting sound was so long, he was finally connected on the other end of the phone, and before the other party could speak, the police uncle spoke first.

"Excuse me, is it the Heroes' Association?"

"Yes, we are the branch of the Z City Heroes Association..."

But before the operator finished speaking, the voice of another person was immediately replaced.

"Let me see, isn't this the landline number of the police station? I've only heard of calling the police if something happens, but I've never heard of it. The police sometimes call someone else."

"who are you?"

"I'm Ma Keyi, the head of Operation Room 2 of the Heroes' Association Branch of City Z. This police officer, you're calling the Heroes' Association. What's the matter?"

The police uncle gritted his teeth, listened to the other party's mocking tone, grabbed the hands of the receiver, and exerted force unconsciously.

"If there's nothing else, I'm going to hang up the phone."

"...The police station is being attacked by weird people right now..."

"so what?"

The other party sounded casual, as if they heard something very common.

"I would like to ask you for help. If possible, it is best to send a few A-level heroes over. The opponent is very strong. B-level and C-level heroes may be injured..."

"Oh? Did I hear you right? Officer, are you really a police officer? If I remember correctly, your police have been protesting all the time. Is it a kind of interference for you that heroes enter your police jurisdiction? ? Why are we being welcomed in now?"

At this time, the weirdo beside him interrupted coldly.

"Ten minutes left."

The body of the police uncle trembled subconsciously.

"Why are you silent, officer? Are you still there?"

"I am listening."

"Why, are you still here? I thought you would put down the phone and go back to your mother crying. I didn't expect you to have a little more backbone than I imagined. However, I want us to send heroes to support you. It is tantamount to admitting that only heroes are the main force against monsters, and in the future, if there are similar situations, you will no longer have the right to protest."

"Anyway, please send someone over quickly..."

"Officer, this doesn't look like a begging attitude at all. If you want to ask others to do something, you can't use this attitude."

The voice on the other side of the phone paused and continued.

"You have to say 'I beg you, Lord Marcoi'."

Beads of sweat rolled down the face of the police uncle.

"...I see, please...please..."

But just before he finished speaking, the phone was suddenly snatched by someone.

Because he subconsciously used more force, the receiver was crushed into pieces.

The police uncle looked at the bald head who suddenly appeared in shock.

This guy is the guy who was brought back with that beautiful and lovely girl.

How could he be here?

No, more important than this...

"You...what are you doing?"

This is the end of it.

Although there is more than one phone in the police station, this will be regarded as a provocation by the other party, and even if they call again, they may ignore it.

If the heroes can't come, it's only because of them...

"Whether it's a hero or a policeman, you shouldn't act after begging for help... The one who just talked to you is not a hero at all, is it?"

Perhaps out of nervousness, the police uncle was using the hands-free just now, so Saitama, who also walked out of the interrogation room, heard all the conversation between him and the Hero Association.

"Let me be your opponent, because I'm a hero anyway."

Saitama walked towards the outside, but the policeman who was in front of him subconsciously made way for him automatically.

Although wearing a pair of flat glasses, the strange man who kept his eyes closed all the time seemed to sense Saitama's approach through sound or other methods.

"Do you want to be my opponent?"

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