"Well, because I'm also a hero, even though I'm a C-rank."

"C-level? Haha, hahahahahahaha——"

The weirdo looked up to the sky and laughed out loud, unscrupulous laughter.

"I'm really underestimated, mere C-level, who gave you the courage to stand in front of me, Liang Jingru?"

Saitama scratched his shiny bald head.

"Don't you just want to fight a hero? I am a hero, come and fight me."

"Okay, since you want to die..."

The weirdo put his hand on the handle of the knife, and made a gesture of drawing the knife.

The surrounding policemen all backed away from Saitama's side in fright.

The weirdo ignored the policemen. In his mind, there was only the C-level hero who dared to laugh at himself.

Go to another world to confess...

The weirdo believed in his own skills very much.

With just one knife, the bald head can be chopped off.

After beheading this overbearing bald head, kill all the policemen in this police station, and then go to the Heroes Association to trouble you.

The Heroes Association actually only gave me a mere "tiger" disaster rating.

His uncle, during this period of time, he went out to attack humans every night, but it was very hard!

Forget it...

After all this fuss, the Heroes Association will definitely reflect on their mistakes and raise my disaster level from "Tiger" to "Dragon".

After all, in this world, no one is faster than me if you draw a knife...

The weirdo's head tilted from its neck, then fell, and rolled away on the ground full of archives.

"Tongzi, you bastard..."

After Saitama saw the monster's body fell to the ground, the girl in black appeared behind him.

"You're stealing people's heads!"

"You're welcome."

"Who should thank you?"


The criminals who attacked the citizens were killed every night, so Tongzi and Saitama were naturally free of suspicion and could leave.

After the two left under the eyes of the admiring and respectful policemen, the policemen discussed while cleaning up the scene.

"That girl just stood behind the weirdo, and the weirdo's head fell off. It's amazing. I don't know how she did it."

"Compared to this, I want to know who they are."

Although he is the director, he is also like an ordinary policeman. The police uncle who works in person looks at the direction in which the two left.

"They are real heroes."

Chapter 107 Wolf, I leave it to you.give me a nice break


Walking on the way home with Saitama, Saitama couldn't help whining.

"I said, Tongzi, you were really rude just now."

"It's just stealing someone's head. You don't need to be so stingy. I'll treat you to Yile ramen later."

"Take me to Ichiraku ramen? Are you sending Naruto away?"

Saitama almost jumped up in anger at Kiriko's unremarkable reaction.

"Let me tell you, C-levels are different from your S-levels. C-levels must conduct hero activities at least once a week, otherwise they will be disqualified from being heroes."

"I heard Fuxue talk about it."

"Then you still steal my head!"

Seeing Saitama's reluctance like a child, Tongzi smiled, but was not angry.

"Well, I'm wrong, I apologize to you, can you forgive me?"

"...Since you are so sincere, it's not impossible, then forgive you."

Saitama folded his hands on his chest, looked up at Tongzi, and added a sentence.

"...I also want to invite Yile Ramen, you said so."

"Well, but...huh?"

Tongzi was about to respond when she noticed a person standing in the middle of the street.

To put it simply, it's a guy dressed as if he came from the set of a wolf.

The man pointed towards Tongzi, stretched out his finger, and motioned for them to follow.

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