Kiriko and Saitama looked at each other.

Before they could understand what was going on, that person suddenly turned around and ran away.


Kiriko and Saitama hurried away at the same time.

But Saitama was faster.

Saitama's legs were as fast as a whirlwind. Wherever he passed, the road surface seemed to be bitten by something, leaving a deep dent.

"What is this guy doing so fast? Is he so afraid that I will steal his head?"

Seeing Saitama and that strange guy disappearing into the street, Kiriko could have chased after her, but she gave up.

If it's Saitama, then there's nothing to worry about.

I'll just give this head to him, anyway, I don't care about the ranking of heroes.

When Tongzi was about to call a taxi, her cell phone rang suddenly.

She took out her mobile phone and opened it to see that it was the number of the Heroes Association.

Since becoming an S-level hero, apart from being told that his hero title is "Dark Sword" and raising his hero ranking, he has rarely received contact from the Hero Association.

After all, if even S-level heroes need to be dispatched frequently, then human beings are not far from being wiped out.

It's just that Tongzi's face changed slightly after answering the phone.

She took a taxi, but instead of going home, she went to the Z City Heroes Association branch.

The cadres belonging to this branch and several members had been waiting outside the branch for a long time. When they saw Tongzi getting off the taxi, their eyes lit up immediately and they greeted him.

"Master Tong, you are finally here."

Dark Sword is Tongzi's title of hero, but generally speaking, heroes will use titles to call each other, but associations and ordinary people don't have to use titles to call each other.

One of the members who followed the cadre naturally stepped forward to pay the driver's fare, and Tongzi didn't need to pay for it.

The cadre guided Tongzi, and the other members followed respectfully, surrounded like stars holding the moon, and the group headed to the apron of this branch.

He didn't explain the situation on the phone, but asked Tongzi to come to the branch. On the way to the apron, the cadre explained the situation.

It turned out that a few hours ago, weird people who claimed to be from the deep sea tribe suddenly appeared in J city. These weird people were not strong. At that time, the 11th A-level hero Stinger happened to be in J city and defeated them.

But after defeating these monsters, more deep-sea people appeared, and the new monsters were more powerful than the previous ones.

After finally knocking down these monsters, it seemed that the old ones came out after beating the young ones, and there appeared a monster who claimed to be the king of the deep sea.

"The King of the Deep Sea?"

Now hearing the word "king", Tongzi couldn't help but want to laugh.

The word Wang has been reduced to the same treatment as an expert.No matter what kind of cat or dog, they can call themselves kings.

I just don't know whether the Deep Sea King is better than the Ji King.

But the cadre who answered Kiriko's answer didn't smile.

After the King of the Deep Sea appeared, he easily dealt with the 11th-ranked Stinger in A-level with just one blow, and rushed to support him. Lightning Max, who was 20th in A-level, had also been defeated. Now the 18th-ranked S-level The sexy prisoner is fighting the king of the deep sea.

Two A-level heroes are defeated, and one S-level hero is in a difficult battle, so the enemy is still somewhat capable.

Thinking so, a group of people had already arrived on the tarmac. One member of the association stepped forward to open the cabin door of the helicopter, and the other member sat in the pilot's seat.

"Anyway, please, Master Tong, you are the last hope of mankind."

The executive and the rest of the members bowed deeply towards Kiriko.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Tongzi sat on the back seat of the helicopter and gave them a thumbs up.

But just as the helicopter was about to take off, Tongzi suddenly received a text message.

"Wait a minute, I have another helper coming, and he'll be here in a few minutes."

Although he wondered who Tongzi's helper would be, since Tongzi had said so himself, the people present would naturally not say anything more.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden exclamation from outside, and then a black shadow rushed in.

When Tongzi saw the black shadow clearly, she was also taken aback for a moment.

Because this black shadow is clearly the ninja I met outside.

But although she was stunned for a moment, she still uttered a voice to stop the panicked crowd present.

"Don't panic, this is the helper I just mentioned, okay, now that everyone is here, let's go quickly."


Not long after the helicopter took off, the sky suddenly poured down with rain, and the sky and the earth were gray.

Even if you are inside the fuselage, you cannot completely isolate the sound of rain outside.

Tongzi tapped the brain of the ninja sitting next to her, took out her mobile phone and sent a text message.

"KING, is this your stand-in messenger?"

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