Soon, Tongzi's mobile phone received a text message from KING.

"It's not a stand-in messenger, it's a remote-operated robot. It's a pity that Dr. Cusno forgot to install the sound device, so he can't speak."

"I thought you were going to look like 'Shirema', 'Kuku me' or 'Majin Z'."

"Those are too big and thick for me."

Originally, KING was going to Dr. Cusino, and after getting the robot he named "Wolf", he used his mobile phone to locate it and wanted to discuss it with Tongzi, but unexpectedly, he was targeted by Saitama.

After finally getting rid of Saitama, after receiving the contact number from the Hero Association, he immediately sent a text message to Tongzi and rushed over.

"Tongzi, don't make a move when the time comes, let me test the performance of this robot first."

"I see."

This battle is KING's first battle.

If KING can defeat the weirdo, it means that "tele-operated robots" will work.

This is naturally the best result.

Of course, Tongzi has not told the people in the association that this robot is KING.

She just said that this is the helper she found.

When the time is right, it would be better for KING to decide for itself.

Although doing so would undoubtedly do great harm to the person who was impersonated by KING, but everyone has selfish motives.

KING really didn't have the courage to tell the truth, but if he knew who the person who was once replaced for credit was, he would do everything in his power to repay his kindness.

"Master Tong, I just received a message from the association that the S-level hero sexy prisoner has been defeated, and now the weirdo is heading towards a shelter in J City. The association has raised the disaster level to dragon level."


Thousands of people gathered in the shelter in J City.

The snow-white lights of the refuge shone on people's faces, reflecting their faces of panic, panic, fear, and fear.

"I don't know if the heroes have knocked down the weirdos outside."

"It should be fine."

"It's going to be all right, a weirdo can't beat a hero."

A member of the Women's Association holding a tweeter comforted everyone.

"Please rest assured, our Hero Association has invested a lot of money to ensure the safety of citizens. The outer wall made with special construction methods can withstand ultra-high temperature and all impacts. No matter whether it is a tank or an airplane, it cannot penetrate the shelter. The outer wall, coupled with the gentle classical music, can enhance the relaxation effect and relieve the psychological pressure of the refugees. This refuge can be said to be an unfallen fortress to protect human beings..."


The outer wall of the shelter suddenly collapsed, and stone fragments mixed with rainwater flew inside.

A big ugly and ferocious face was exposed from the gap in the broken outer wall.

"Hello, mice in their shells."




Chapter 108 Please remember to charge your wireless controller at any time



A big hole was smashed into the outer wall of the shelter.

Numerous broken stones and rubble flew out and fell on the cold and rainy ground.

Along with the stones falling to the ground, there was also a dilapidated human figure.

If Tongzi was here, she would definitely be able to recognize that this human form is indeed Saitama's disciple Genos.

A few minutes ago, when the Deep Sea King broke the outer wall of the shelter and was about to massacre, Genos arrived in time, but...

It's just that Genos at this time seemed to be hit by some very high-concentration corrosive liquid. Most of his body was melted, and he couldn't even stand up. Electric sparks were shining all over his body.

"If you rely on yourself, it should be easy to avoid that level of acid attack."

In the torrential rain, a huge figure wearing a crown jumped out of the gap.

"But I didn't expect that you would dig your own grave because of a little girl. Although you are a stupid human being, you actually caused me to be slightly injured. From this point alone, it is not impossible to praise you a little ...Of course, the damage you caused to me has been completely recovered."

The Deep Sea King stretched out two fingers with rather long nails, and patted his extremely fair cheeks lightly, and then showed a bloodthirsty and cruel expression.

"Now I'll see you on your way."

Just when the King of the Deep Sea raised his foot and was about to strike Genos, who was lying on the ground, for the final blow...

"Justice hit!"

A speeding bicycle slammed into the Deep Sea King with unrivaled momentum.

"Righteous cyclists, undocumented riders."

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