Sensing an attack that wasn't even a tickle, the King of the Deep Sea turned his head in confusion and looked at the human who declared himself his family.

No... what the hell?

Human names are always too long and cumbersome...

The King of the Deep Sea couldn't remember that much.

Even though he is such a small creature, he always likes to give himself a tall name.

Humans will give themselves all kinds of fancy names, but their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a Pippi Shrimp.

Let’s take the human beings I met after I went ashore, such as Stinger, Lightning Max, sexy prisoner, and Sonic at the speed of sound... But the only one who really hurt me was this one who fell on the ground The robot, and the naked man who liked to explode his clothes that he met outside...

As for the other so-called "heroes", they are just trash.

A miscellaneous fish like this can be crushed to death with just one touch...


Several clusters of flames suddenly burst out from the Deep Sea King's body one after another.

The undocumented knight was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt pushed hard by someone, and fell out. When he got up from the rain-soaked ground, he saw that where he was standing, there was a person who seemed to be from the reed. A smuggled ninja confronted the King of the Deep Sea.

For some reason, that ninja felt like a lone wolf to him.

That's right, this ninja is KING's remote-operated robot-Wolf.

The Deep Sea King was very angry.

At first, playing with these humans was a bit interesting.

But after playing for a long time, I feel bored.

Sure enough, human beings should perish early.

"You human beings, you can't just let me kill you..."

Before it finished speaking, it was surprised to find that the figure of the ninja in front of it disappeared from its eyes.

But the undocumented knight saw him appearing behind the King of the Deep Sea the moment he disappeared.

Holding a ninja sword with the same length and shape as an ordinary sword in both hands, he twisted his waist suddenly in mid-air, making a movement that ordinary people could not complete at all.Because of excessive force, his right hand holding the knife almost touched his right shoulder...

The wolf stopped in mid-air for about a second or two, and then slashed from left to right.

The sharp light of the knife cut through the rain, and it was extremely ferocious. Because the knife was so fast, it even made the sound of cutting the air. Even if it was as strong as the King of the Deep Sea, he could only turn his head, and the knife cut his neck.

Blood gushed out like a fountain. The King of the Deep Sea clutched his neck and staggered back. His big ugly face was full of shock.

The wolf that fell to the ground shook off the blood on the knife, but without stopping, it chased the retreating King of the Deep Sea again.

The ground was kicked by him, and because of the excessive force, the floor tiles were broken.

"You bastard..."

The roar of the King of the Deep Sea was interrupted by the sword light that was as fast as the wind, and the continuous sword light flashed. The wolf's attack speed had been brought to the extreme, and even Genos, who was lying on the ground, could barely see clearly. , As for the undocumented knights and the citizens in the shelter, they can only see a white light shining non-stop.

In just a few seconds, dozens of dense wounds appeared on the body of the Deep Sea King. These wounds were not shallow at all, and all of them were deep and visible. All spurted blood crazily.

For a moment, even the ground was stained red by the blood.

"come on!"

"Kill it!"

"We're all depending on you!"

"come on!"

The people in the shelter, after being surprised, cheered and cheered for the wolf.

Although I don't know who this ninja who suddenly appeared is, but when the weirdo appears, he can stand up. There is no doubt that he is a hero.

Although the previous ones were all heroes, those heroes were too weak. Before they saw clearly, those heroes had already lost.

But this one is different, this one beat that terrifying weirdo to the point of defeat.

And the wolf did not live up to everyone's expectations. He gradually approached the King of the Deep Sea to a desperate situation, and even made a big move with a loud shout. The blade soaked in blood and rainwater swept everything , cut down heavily.

When the knife fell, one arm of the King of the Deep Sea flew more than ten meters away amidst a large amount of blood gushing out.

"My king's power ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—"

The Deep Sea King let out a piercing scream. Since it became a king, no one has been able to inflict such pain on it.

Unexpectedly, among the mere tiny human beings, there is such a strong person.

The Deep Sea King clutching his severed arm looked at the wolf whose body was stained red by the blood sprayed by him, for the first time a retreat appeared on its face.

No, I am the king of the deep sea clan, I cannot die here... I must not be beheaded by mere humans...

A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the King of the Deep Sea. He inserted his only severed hand deeply into the ground, and with a bang, the solid floor tiles, like tofu, were easily pulled out of a crack and shattered. The stones and flying dust immediately attacked the wolf in front of him.

While the wolf was avoiding the flying stones, it adjusted its standing posture and kicked its feet hard on the ground.

"Drink ah ah ah ah-"

Even though there was only one arm, the fist of the Deep Sea King turned into countless phantoms in the air, greeting the wolf like a storm.

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