The wolf danced the knife in his hand into a dense whirlwind, parrying all the continuous punches of the Deep Sea King.


Seeing that the continuous beating was ineffective, the Deep Sea King jumped up, slowly retracted his fist, and poured all the strength of his body into this fist.

The previous one used such a fist to break through the outer wall of the shelter, which was said to be invulnerable.

Even the outer wall of the shelter can be broken, and such a slender knife is impossible to resist.


The King of the Deep Sea didn't pay any attention. This ninja dressed like the Warring States Period posed a great threat to him. Even if he didn't plan to rule the land, he couldn't sit back and watch the guy who could threaten him survive.


The first thing that couldn't bear it was the ground that was directly hit by the fist. The floor tiles were shattered and stone chips flew across.

In the end, Deep Sea King was alone, standing in a deep pit with a diameter of at least 20 meters and a depth of 10 meters.

The King of the Deep Sea was panting violently. Even if it had suffered heavy injuries, it would be a heavy burden on itself if it desperately hit with all its strength regardless of the consequences.

But fortunately, even the so-called S-class heroes among humans are absolutely impossible to survive...

Just thinking of the Deep Sea King here, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the expression on his face was like seeing a ghost.

"You you you you you... how could you..."

The King of the Deep Sea pointed at the wolf standing on the edge of the pit with trembling hands.

The human who thought that under the blow just now, not only did not die, but seemed to be unharmed.

Indeed, even the other S-level heroes in the Heroes Association probably couldn't block such an attack with their bodies.

But since it can't be stopped, why not avoid it?

So the wolf ran away.

The wolf didn't speak, but silently pulled out the tachi, which was carried on his back and was longer than the ninja sword used before, and walked slowly towards the deep sea king.

Looking at the approaching wolf with a knife, the Deep Sea King hastily raised his remaining hand.

"Wait... please wait a moment, I know I was wrong, I will lead the rest of the deep sea people back to the sea, and never set foot on land again in my lifetime. Don't you humans forgive young and ignorant children? Don't look I look like this, but I’m still just a, please, please let me go."

Faced with the deep sea king's begging for mercy, the wolf did not speak, but the people in the refuge shouted with red eyes.

"Kill it!"

"The monster must die!"


"Take it to make wine!"

Faced with the shouts of the crowd, the wolf remained silent. He was like a machine, cold, efficient, and ruthless.

He slowly raised the sword in his hand, ready to strike the King of the Deep Sea one last time...

The King of the Deep Sea fell into a state of exhaustion due to his all-out blow, and now is the best time to end it.

But just when the knife was about to cut down, the wolf's movements suddenly froze.

He held up the knife, and as long as he slashed it down, he could cut the Deep Sea King in two.

But he froze.


At the same time, Tongzi's home.

"Fuck! Move, move quickly, the last blow is almost there, why don't you move!"

KING's eyes were fixed on the screen, and the handle in his hand was almost crushed by him.

He looked down subconsciously, only to realize that the breathing light on the wireless controller in his hand had gone out.

This wireless handle is specially used to control the robot he named "Wolf".

Generally speaking, professional e-sports players are very particular about keyboards and mice. They even carefully adjust many parameters that ordinary people don't know at all, and they must be accurate to the point of outrage.

The same is true for KING. In order to maintain the best feel, he usually uses this wireless controller even when playing games.

But KING ignored a problem.

This wireless handle, like the wireless handle of Microsoft and Sony, also needs to be charged.

I usually use it to play games, so now the wireless handle is out of power.

KING hurried to find the USB cable, and when he finally found the USB cable and connected it, the TV screen was already black.

"Flower (the letter between P and R)!!!!!!"


The King of the Deep Sea wiped the liquid mixed with sweat, rain, and blood on his face with his one arm, and looked at the wolf that had been shattered by it under his feet, the big stone in his heart finally fell down.

Almost died just now.

It thankfully touched its own neck. It was attacked by this ninja robot in the first fight, and the wound on its neck was still not healed.

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