She was already defeating the King of the Deep Sea, and on the way back, she had already called the Heroes Association, but no matter how fast the ambulance was, it would still take some time.

Fortunately, she checked, these heroes were just defeated, no one died.

This is a fortune in misfortune.

Although they are not strong enough to defeat the King of the Deep Sea, but when faced with such a powerful King of the Deep Sea, they still stand firmly against the weirdo...

This alone is worthy of being a hero.

It can be seen from this that instead of being grateful, he mocked the guy who shed blood and sacrificed, how vicious his heart is.

People should not laugh at those who work hard, let alone those who risk their lives just to protect you.

People watched Tongzi running around and carrying the heroes silently, and then acted spontaneously.

"Hey, cheer up."

A middle-aged man suddenly took off his expensive suit, knelt down on the ground, and wiped the blood from the face of one of the unconscious heroes.

A little girl still wearing a little yellow hat took out a bottle of water from her schoolbag, unscrewed the cap with great effort, and brought it to the mouth of another unconscious hero.

"Uncle, drink water."

Others followed suit.

"Has the ambulance arrived yet?"

"Come a few people, climb up to a high place to have a look, and guide the ambulance by the way..."

"That... I have a medical license, let me go, please let me go..."

People with medical licenses squeezed to the front and began to give emergency treatment to the heroes.

"Hey, can you hear me? You have already won, and the monster has been defeated, so please cheer up."


The torrential downpour of the past has now turned into a drizzle.

The urban area after being wrecked by the deep sea tribe is full of potholes.

The sunken place was full of water, and there were many broken floor tiles, and it was muddy to step on.

The lack of exercise, the man didn't run very far before he was out of breath.

"Damn, a bunch of licking dogs who only know how to lick the Heroes' Association, and no one will speak for me!"

The man wiped the sweat and rain off his face.

So what about S-level heroes, can S-level heroes hit people casually?

Just wait, when I go back to the Heroes Association to make a fuss, if the Heroes Association doesn't deal with it, I will go to the TV station, and the TV station will post it online if it doesn't care.

Anyway, no matter what you post on the Internet these days, it can set off a wave, and when the time comes, that girl will be ruined, and she will cry to beg myself...

As long as I think of such a beautiful girl crying in front of me, expressing that she is willing to do anything...

At that time, the man felt that the golden cudgel under him had hardened.

After all, heroes are just people...

The man who was dreaming such a sweet dream happened to see a guy dressed as a ninja standing on the street that should have been empty in front of him.

Is this guy... a hero too?

It should be a hero too, after all, ordinary people don't wear such secondary school clothes.


And he was a hero who arrived so late...

Sure enough, heroes are a bunch of scumbags.

The man originally didn't want to pay attention to the guy dressed as a ninja, but the ninja suddenly stopped the man who was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, did you see, a very huge weirdo?"

The man ignored the ninja, but walked away from him.

"Didn't you hear me talking to you?"

The man didn't take a few steps when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and judging from the closeness of the voice, it seemed that the other party was standing behind him.

"Fuck you, don't beat me!"

The man pushed the opponent's hand away, and because of the opponent's actions, his anger, which had not been extinguished, was ignited again.

"All of you heroes are quite self-righteous. Let me tell you, you're nothing! If I don't pay you, you're no fools!"

Hearing the man's words, the ninja's face suddenly sank.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly, please say it again."

The man smiled mockingly.

"Say it once? So what if I say it ten times? How dare you treat me? You are just a mere hero, how dare you kill me?"

He stretched his neck on purpose, provocatively exposing his neck to the other party.

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