"Come on, cut here, if you have the guts, go here..."

A cold light flashed past, and the man's eyes widened.

In his line of sight, all the things in his field of vision kept flying upwards, and finally the picture suddenly shook, shook, and the picture froze.

what happened, what happened...

Before the man could figure out what happened just now, his consciousness was already engulfed by darkness.


Sonic retracted the ninja sword into its sheath.

At this time, the sound of an ambulance has already sounded in the distance. If you continue to stay, you may get yourself into trouble.

After all, I was imprisoned because of Saitama before, and I escaped from prison under the witness of so many prisoners.

Although besides that bald head, I am not afraid of other troubles...

"Hmph, King of the Deep Sea, you're in luck."

Sonic showed a wicked smile, and disappeared from the spot in the next second.

All that was left was a headless corpse with its head severed.




Starting today, from the previous two chapters a day (2K words per chapter), to one chapter a day (4K words per chapter), I hope everyone knows.

Chapter 110 Chatting Ghosts


The patter of rain was falling.

In an alley, a Pippi Shrimp was running for his life.

It was originally an officer of the Special Mobile Team of the Heavy Infantry Division of the Deep Sea Clan. Under the order of the King of the Deep Sea, it cleared away the humans in City Z.

In addition to its army, there are more than a dozen troops attacking all cities except J City, which Wang is in charge of, at the same time.

Originally, according to the king's prediction, two-legged beasts like humans should be very weak creatures. As long as one person is killed, 1 people will flee, and if 10 people are killed, the entire city will surrender...

This should be the case, but the reality is that the officers and soldiers of the special mobile team were all wiped out except for it, and they also lost contact with the friendly forces attacking other cities.

Humans are not strong, even civilians who have not received combat training among the deep sea tribe can easily win in one-on-one duels.And the soldiers of the Deep Sea Clan can easily fight ten.


There are damned heroes among human beings...

Several people in black suits flashed out from the alley in front of them, blocking the way. Pippi Xia was startled carefully. When he was about to turn around, he found that the way was also blocked by people in black suits behind him. .

One of them, a man in a suit who was as bulky as an orangutan, raised a horn and shouted at Pippi Shrimp.

"You've been surrounded by our Fubuki team, there's no way to escape, it's best to accept your fate."

Pippi Xiajing silently counted the numbers of both parties in his heart.

Thirty for one dozen, this comparison is really disappointing.

But at least one human has to be used as a backing.

When Pippi Xiajing was thinking this way, a girl with a flower-like hair ornament on her head rushed forward waving a three-section stick.

"I went to tie it."

Such a coincidence?Then it's up to you...

Pippi Xiajing puffed up his cheeks, and then spit out a mouthful of green acid.

This acid is so corrosive that it can corrode even steel, let alone a mere human body.

Humans don't have wings, so they have nowhere to rely on in the air. Even if she has a three-section stick in her hand, it is absolutely impossible to block it...


How can it be!

Pipi Xiajing's eyes widened, watching the green acid he spit out was blocked in front of the girl, as if there was an invisible barrier.

The next moment, all the acid bounced back.


Most of the splashed liquid was bounced back to Pippi Shrimp Jing's body, and a small amount fell to the ground, and the asphalt road was melted into small pits.

Pippi Shrimp Essence also clutched his acid-corroded head, howling in pain.

"Really, what are you doing, Lily? You shouldn't be careless until the end, understand?"

A tall woman in a down coat came out of the crowd. For some reason, the guys in black suits all became excited after seeing this tall woman.

"Master Fubuki is here too."

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