"Then we have to work harder."

This woman is the leader of these guys?

Pipi Xiajing was a little surprised that these males let a female lead them.

However, this is better, as long as this female can be killed, then at least...

However, in Pipi Xiajing's eyes, a hurricane suddenly rose from the ground and swept it in.

Before the body was torn apart by the hurricane, the last voice Pipi Xiajing heard was:

"In this way, the Fubuki team will become famous all over the world."


"This...how is this possible?"

Fuxue was holding the newspaper that just came out today, and she couldn't wait to read it. What would be described in the newspaper? Their Fuxue team wiped out the great achievements of the deep-sea tribe yesterday, but after the younger brother brought the newspaper back, the headlines on the newspaper, But it looks like this:

"99% of people don't know that a 20-year-old girl actually used that trick to defeat the King of the Deep Sea! "

The specific content is a series of reports about the battle between a large number of heroes and the King of the Deep Sea in J City yesterday. The above records are the dictations of the heroes and witnesses who participated in the battle and lost.

Fubuki read the newspaper from top to bottom, from the beginning to the end, and the whole newspaper didn't even mention the Fubuki group's words.

Seeing that Fubuki was in a bad mood, the mountain monkey on the side quickly comforted him.

"There is no way to do this. After all, the King of the Deep Sea is a super-strong weirdo who has defeated two S-level heroes in a row. Only Lord Tong can defeat the King of the Deep Sea."

Tongzi has been awarded the title of hero by the Heroes Association. It stands to reason that Tongzi should be called "Dark Sword", but Tongzi still lets them call herself the same as before.

At this time, Tongzi was looking for Dr. Cusino with KING.

Due to the lack of power of the wireless controller, KING lost to the Deep Sea King at the last moment of the battle, and the remote-operated ninja robot wolf was also destroyed by the Deep Sea King as if venting his anger.

The destroyed ninja robot, Kiriko did not take it away at that time, because he did not want to expose the dimension bag in front of everyone, so let the ninja robot, like Genos who was also destroyed, be sent by Dr. Kusno machine recycling.

Therefore, Dr. Cusno came across Genos without any surprise.

"Hi Domo."

Kiriko waved at Genos, who was lying on the machine tool, letting the maintenance-specific mechanical arm manipulate his body.

The whole body was disassembled and reassembled, leaving only one head, Genos, nodded his head hard as a response.

"It was really thanks to you yesterday, Tongzi... no, Dark Sword."

"It's okay, let's call each other by our real names, it doesn't need to be so troublesome."

Although Tongzi is a dead house herself, it feels a little weird to hear others call her "Dark Sword Dark Sword".

"Dr. Cusnow, what happened to that... my robot?"

Dr. Cusnow joked half-jokingly.

"It's really hard to be a hero. Not only Genos, but even your robot, King, has become so tattered. Or do you think it's a robot, so it doesn't matter, and you can fight casually?"

"There is no such thing. The main reason is that the enemy is too strong. I will pay for the repair cost. It's just..."

KING rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, and asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"Dr. Cusno, can it be repaired well?"

Dr. Cusnow glanced at him, then patted him on the shoulder.

"No problem, just use the replacement parts. Although it looks badly damaged, it really only needs to be..."

Then, Dr. Cusno and KING explained how to repair the robot.

And at this moment, Tongzi suddenly received a reminder.

[Dr. Kusnow taught you "Mechanical Engineering" (novice), do you want to learn? 】

In fact, at the earliest time, Tongzi was not very clear when she received such reminders, but now she has understood.

Since she was summoned to the previous world, she has a different system from other heroes.

Not only can it automatically upgrade, automatically acquire skills, automatically improve skill proficiency, but also steal skills from others.

That's right, stealing.

This pop-up prompt is actually not that the other party really taught her skills, but that the other party can automatically pop up this pop-up prompt as long as the other party mentions relevant information.

For example, if Zhang Chi tells Tongzi how to run a rally race, Tongzi can also acquire the skills of a rally driver.

And the other party doesn't know that the information he unintentionally revealed will be learned by others.

Thinking of this, Tongzi took a look at the new skill "Mechanical Engineering" she had acquired.

At present, this skill is still a novice's proficiency, so it is only a seedling.

But when it grows up, it is estimated that it can be made up to.

I hope I can have a chance to build one for KING before I leave this world.

Tongzi didn't know how long she would stay in this world. Based on her experience in the previous world, she might not stay for long before being forced to travel to other worlds.

So far, she has no clue that she's being teleported to another world, or why.

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