"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Tongzi followed that person into the headquarters building, while the others continued outside the headquarters building to welcome other S-class heroes who had not yet arrived.

From the outside of the headquarters building, the headquarters building of the Heroes Association seems to have a strange shape, but there is nothing else.

But after entering the interior, you can feel the difference between the headquarters of the Heroes Association in City A and the branch of the Heroes Association in City Z.

The internal environment structure of the branch is similar to that of the FBI and CIA buildings in the movie, but the headquarters has a more sci-fi and futuristic feel.

Under the guidance of the members of the association, Tongzi entered a meeting room.

This conference room was very large. Since the lights were deliberately not turned on, the light was obviously insufficient, but it was not so dark that there were no fingers to be seen, because there was a faint light emitting from the long table in the center of the conference room.

The surface of the entire long table turned out to be an electronic screen, which not only contained a map of the entire world, but also a large number of various parameters and data that Tongzi could not understand.

After the association member brought Tongzi in, he bowed and left.

Tongzi looked around and found that there were more than ten chairs around the long table, but only a few chairs had people sitting on them.

"It's a face I haven't seen before. Hey, little girl, you've gone to the wrong place. If it's a social class study visit, leave quickly."

The man who spoke was a man with the same haircut as Higashija Jousuke. He was about 17 years old. He was obviously wearing a school uniform jacket, but he didn't wear sleeves. Instead, the school uniform jacket was draped over his shoulders like a cape.

This kind of dress Kiriko knew that the students of Suzuran High School liked to wear school uniforms like this the most.

And the rebellious expression on this guy's face is exactly the same as that of a bad boy.

He is the 17th metal bat in the S class.

Originally, his hero ranking was 15th, but Tongzi, who was quickly promoted, and Genos overtook him one after another.

Because of the Battle of the Deep Sea King, the Heroes Association raised Tongzi's ranking from the bottom of the S-class to the 8th, and Genos also raised from the original 17th of the S-class to the 14th.

Therefore, the ranking of metal bats has naturally dropped from the original 15th place to the current 17th place.

"Who's the little girl? I'm older than you."

Although she looks like a 16 or 17-year-old underage girl, the actual age of Tongzi's body is already 20 years old.

Just like Vivienne Ansesta, although she looks like a girl, she is actually over ten thousand years old.

The metal bat was originally sitting on a chair with both legs resting on the long table, looking carefree.After hearing Tongzi's words, he immediately stood up, picked up the bat next to the seat, and walked towards Tongzi with three steps.

He dragged the bat backwards, and the bat made contact with the ground, making a screeching sound as it slid.

"Hey, metal bat, what are you going to do? Don't stop!"

Seeing this, the 10th S-class superalloy black light made Momo's voice to dissuade Nabe.

But others did not stop them, some were not interested, and some might have tried to test Tongzi. After all, Tongzi was different from them. During the hero test, Tongzi broke the rules and was promoted to S rank. The barra space program is generally swift...

Although they didn't say anything, they still had doubts in their hearts.

At this time, with the metal bat as the pioneer, they will naturally not block it.

After all, the hero industry, like other industries, is itself very cruel.

The metal bat ignored the superalloy black light, he walked up to Tongzi arrogantly, and even put his face in front of Tongzi's, the distance between the two was less than a palm, facing each other in a demonstrative manner .

Kiriko naturally glared at the metal bat not to be outdone.

Seeing that the air in the conference room was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and when the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger...

"Hurry up and take out that extremely sharp sword. There is an incredible light on my body. If the armor is polished by me, it will hurt your eyes. Qilin is my mount and will chase you to the sky..."

In the trouser pocket of the metal bat, a very nice cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone, glanced at it, and his expression changed suddenly.

It was obviously a bad expression before, but in a blink of an eye it turned into that of a sister-in-law.

"Hey sister, what's the matter?"

"No, my brother really went to your piano recital. It was just a temporary matter, so he was called away by the Hero Association..."

"It's not an excuse. I actually really want to see your performance. If you practice so hard, you will definitely get a good ranking..."

"Don't cry, hey... It's all right, don't worry, I know, as soon as the association's affairs are over, my brother will rush over immediately..."

"Don't cry anymore, brother promises that no matter what happens in the future, you will be put at the forefront. If you tell brother to play a wolf, brother will never play Nioh..."

"Ah? She...she's here, I'll try my best to help you, but I'm not familiar with her, so I can't guarantee...why are you crying again? I see, I promise to go to her Signing, is it okay? Be good, the game will be played later, you have to perform well."

When the sister-in-law called, it was like a different person.

Tongzi waited patiently for the metal bat to put the phone back in her pants pocket.

"Then what... Please, please sign for my sister, my sister is your loyal fan."

"Your sister wants my autograph?"

Kirito was a little surprised.

On the one hand, it was because the metal bat was so aggressive just now, but now it has turned so abruptly.

On the other hand, I am not a celebrity, so why do I want my autograph?

So Tongzi directly refused.

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