"Don't do it."

"Please, I originally planned to go to her piano recital, but I was suddenly called by the Hero Association. If I can't get your autograph, my sister will really kill me."

"Your sister wants the signature of the Dark Sword, what does it have to do with Tongzi?"

Kiriko was too lazy to chat with the metal bat, so she found a chair at random and sat down.

But the metal bat also followed closely, and sat down beside Tongzi, staring at Tongzi, his tone turned cold.

"You really don't want to sign?"

"Don't sign."

"Well, that's the only way to go."

The metal bat moved her hand to the back. Seeing his action, although Kiriko didn't think that the opponent had a weapon that could hurt her, she secretly took precautions.

The next moment, the metal bat was taken out from behind...

A leather wallet.

He opened the wallet, and there was a picture of a cute loli in it.

Looking at the loli in the photo, Tongzi felt nothing in her heart, and even held the metal bat by the shoulder with a blank expression.

"I just thought about it, metal bat brother, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, tell me, where is it signed?"

"Just sign it on the back of the photo."

"To the little sister of Metal Bat—Kiriko the Dark Sword, is it okay to write this?"

"How about adding the word 'cute'?"


Seeing the joyful atmosphere of Tongzi and the metal bat turning fighting into jade, the other people in the conference room were all stunned.

"What just happened?"

"It seems that sister control and loli control have reached a consensus."

After signing for Metal Bat's younger sister, Metal Bat left contentedly.

This guy is obviously a bad guy, but in the end he sincerely asked Tongzi to sign it, and he also thanked him so sincerely afterwards.

This guy's so-called malnutrition doesn't mean "malnutrition"?

After seeing Kiriko and the metal bat talking about things, those who came to the meeting room before Kiriko also came up to say hello.

Although they are all seniors in terms of seniority, it should be Tongzi who greets them, but the hero industry is different from other industries.

This line pays more attention to strength than to talk about seniority, especially super newcomers like Tongzi who are directly S-level in the exam and have eliminated many ghost-level and dragon-level weirdos one after another. tear the old man.

Therefore, everyone is an S-level hero, and there may be times in the future when "for the sake of the Hero Association, I will help my brother", so it is no problem to get acquainted.

But in the harmonious voice, there are always a few discordant voices, and the same is true for people.

For example, there was a loli who didn't come up to say hello.

This loli has green curly hair and is wearing a black dress. This dress is a bit like a long-sleeved cheongsam. The skirt below is slit so high that it cannot be described in words, otherwise it will be The point of being harmonious.

She is obviously a lolita, but her physical development is actually not bad. Although her chest is the same as that of a Shenzhou tablet, when viewed from the back, there is a kind of sexy that is not a mature woman, but feels different inexplicably.

When this loli noticed that Tongzi was looking at her, she turned her head arrogantly.

Kiriko knew that this was the shuddering Tornado who ranked second in the S rank, Fubuki's older sister.

But no matter in terms of figure or personality, Fubuki is more like a sister.

However, since the other party won't come over to say hello to him, for Fubuki's sake, he should...

Wait, what should I do?

Although Fubuki lives with her and shares the same bath, she sees the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere wearing only underwear all day long, making the earth revolve around the sun around herself, the knowledge I learned in junior high school geography...

However, I and Fuxue are just ordinary friends!

Chapter 112 Flooded by shit, at a loss


While thinking wildly like this, Conan's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Hey, you are Ms. Kiriko the Dark Sword who ranks 8th in S rank, right? Can you let me test it?"

A boy about 10 years old is holding a very strange mask in his hand. There are a lot of eyes drawn on the mask. Looking at it densely makes one's scalp tingle.

If Tongzi had just come to this world, she would only treat this boy as an ordinary child.

But after reading the "Roster of Heroes" that introduces all the heroes, Tongzi doesn't think so.

Although the body is small, but the mind is very flexible, he is the 5th Tong Di in the S class.

Although he is only a child, his genius mind is no less than Metal Knight. Many high-tech products of the Hero Association are also made by him.

And the mask he is holding in his hand looks a bit uncomfortable, and it is naturally a high-tech.

After getting Tongzi's consent, Tongdi put the mask on his face.

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