Tongzi didn't think about it right away, and immediately jumped out.

The eyes suddenly became brighter. Compared with the interior of the conference room, the light outside was much more abundant.

On the top floor of the headquarters building, the wind howled, blowing people's eyes hard.

Looking down from here, you can see that except for this headquarters building, the entire city A has been turned into ruins.

The streets were shattered, buildings collapsed, and Yui Aragaki's huge billboard broke into several pieces. It was clearly a peaceful scene before, but in a blink of an eye it became like Berlin just after World War II.

"Is this... the one that destroyed City A?"

A huge shadow blocks the sunlight from the sky.

Tongzi raised her head and looked at the huge flying object above her head.

At first glance, the appearance of this huge spacecraft looks a lot like the Nadeshiko.

"Tongzi, you came out too."

Saitama, who came out one step ahead of Tongzi, whose white cloak was constantly blown by the strong wind, also noticed Tongzi at this time.

"Are you planning to break into that spaceship too?"

Tongzi shook her head.

If you use a game as a metaphor, that spaceship is a copy of the game.

If players want to break through the dungeon, they must enter the dungeon.

No matter how skilled Gao Wan is, or if he is a krypton gold boss, it is impossible to get through the dungeon without entering the dungeon.

But it's not a game now, and she's tired of playing that routine.

Since we know that the spaceship is the enemy, why go deep into the interior of the spaceship full of traps and enemies?

Wouldn't it be better to sink the ship from the outside?

"I plan to sink that spaceship from the outside."

——That's Kiriko's idea!

No matter what's in the spaceship, I'm just f*cking social security.

"Then let's compare and see who among us will sink this spaceship first."

"Okay, but wouldn't it be meaningless if there is no bet? How about this, the loser should invite the winner to eat hot pot for a month..."

Before Tongzi finished speaking, Saitama had already disappeared from the spot when he just said the word "fire", and when the word "pot" opened, he saw a cloud of smoke erupting from somewhere in the spaceship, wait until the smoke dissipated Finally, Saitama had already entered through the gap he knocked out and disappeared.

"This guy... it's just a hot pot for a month, why did he suddenly become interested? Really..."

When Tongzi was about to release the "King's Treasure" from the outside, she noticed that in the ruins, there was a blond man fighting a humanoid creature who was obviously not a good person.

Almost without any consideration, Tongzi jumped down from the top floor of the headquarters building and rushed towards the battlefield where the blond man was.


Meruzagarudo flapped his wings, landed on the ground, and folded his wings into his body.

It stood among the ruins, looked around at the broken streets and buildings, and then showed a joyful expression.

Art is explosion, it is destruction, it is killing.

Meruza Galudo is its name, and it is also the name of their collection.

It/they are the most senior fighters of the cosmic dark matter thieves group, following the cosmic overlord Poros, they ran amok and plundered in the universe.

There are countless planets conquered by their dark matter bandits.

Originally, at the beginning, the conquered planets would resist again after they left, and many planets formed a siege network to fight against them together.

But these are useless.

Because the master it serves—Lord Poros, is really too strong.

The race of Master Poros survived the cruel survival of the fittest in the harsh environment of the mother star, which allows the body of Master Poros to adapt to various strange and dangerous environments, even without any protection, he can survive in outer space .

The strength of the body is comparable to Gundam Neem alloy, and the organs will not age. Even if they are seriously injured, as long as they concentrate energy, they can greatly improve the healing ability and speed up the regeneration of cells.

Under the leadership of such an adult, their dark matter bandits are naturally invincible.

And the fact is true, even if the planets that form an alliance and resist together are not their opponents at all, most of the battles can only be solved by their most senior fighters, even if there is a powerful opponent, they can't match Poros Adults will eventually succumb under their iron hooves.

After destroying dozens or hundreds of planets, no one dared to resist their dark matter thieves group. This made Lord Poros and those who followed him feel "overwhelmed" lonely.

I don't know how long these days have passed, but Master Poros suddenly asked them to set sail and go to a distant planet.

It was a fortune-teller who told Master Poros that on that distant planet, there would be a person who could be equal to Lord Poros.

In this case, neither Meruzagarudo nor the other crew members would believe it.

They all believed that this so-called prophecy was nothing more than a lie that the fortune-teller hoped that their dark matter thieves would temporarily leave the planet where the fortune-teller was.

But Master Poros firmly believed in this.

So it took them 20 years to finally come to the planet named "Earth" predicted by the fortune teller.

It's just that this time, the Dark Matter Thieves Group is not like before, directly shelling wherever they go, and then slaughtering the surviving creatures...

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