They did not adopt this crude and simple method, but first used the high technology of the spacecraft to monitor the creatures on the earth.

After observing for a period of time, both Lord Poros and them were disappointed.

Earthlings are truly pathetic creatures.

Or... a creature worthy of pity.

The lifespan of people on earth is about 80 years on average, and more than half of the time is in the period of growth and decline.

Many people on earth are obsessed with money, status, power, fame, etc. They will spend their entire lives pursuing these things, but after they die, no matter whether they have the above things or not, they will end up naked go.

Unless it is a major deed (whether it is good or bad), it will be recorded, but it is only a name and a few paragraphs of text. Most people on earth will not leave any traces after death , as if it never existed.

The most ridiculous thing is that the earthlings themselves are still in civil strife, not only the earthlings called "human beings", but also the earthlings called "weirds".

They are obviously just short-lived species that cannot even leave their mother planet, but they are hostile to each other, repel each other, and kill each other.

As Meruzagarudo, who followed Master Poros to fight in the universe, he is very clear that the resources of a planet are limited.

Perhaps for individuals, the planet's resources are inexhaustible, but for the entire race, using even a little bit of resources requires careful planning and careful consideration.

Any race, if it is unable to research the technology that can navigate the universe and allow its own race to settle on other planets before the resources of the planet are exhausted, then the final fate of this race will be annihilated in the vast galaxy .

Like this kind of self-destruction race, Meruzagarudo has seen too many too many when he followed Lord Poros to look for powerful enemies.

To be honest, if only in terms of resources, this planet called "Earth" is undoubtedly the best one, but unfortunately, the natives on this planet don't know how to use it, they only know how to waste precious resources on nonsensical things...

Therefore, it is said that the earthlings are a kind of pathetic and worthy of pity.

On such a planet, is there really a strong man who can make Mr. Poros worth fighting?

Although it is almost certain that the prophecy is false.

But thieves don't leave empty space.

There is no reason why the dark matter bandit group arrives at the planet and leaves without firing two shots...

And a resource-rich planet like this is much more enjoyable after it is destroyed, much more enjoyable than looking at the magic ninja.

As for the fate of the creatures on this planet...

Isn't it an obvious result that there are no eggs under the overturned nest?

However, even if the planet is destroyed, Meruzagaludo's anger cannot be completely appeased.

The prophecy was false, so after returning, the fortune-teller and the planet where the fortune-teller was located were destroyed together.


One of the heads on Meruzagarudo's neck turned and saw a young father among the rubble, struggling to push a collapsed cement slab away to rescue a young child from it.

"Isn't this still alive?"

"Fish that slipped through the net."

"Kill them."

"It feels good."

Every head that grew on Meruzagarudo's neck spoke one after another.

Each head has an independent thought, and they are the aggregate of Meruza Garudo, or in other words, when they are added together, it is Meruza Garudo.

The young father in sight, after rescuing his child, saw Meruzagarudo, his legs gave way in fright, and he fell to the ground.

When people fall into great fear, their brains will crash, and it is impossible to make a calm judgment.

They could only watch helplessly as the monster with many heads raised its right arm.

The next moment, the fingers on the right arm flew out like Raste (lust).

The two earthlings in front of me are civilians, and one of them is a cub, just using this trick is enough.

Meruzagarudo seems to have seen the scene of the young father and child being penetrated together.


A dazzling silver light flashed past.

Not only the stabbed fingers were cut off, but even a deep wound was cut on Meruzagarudo's chest.

A large amount of blood, the color of oil, bloomed in the air, and the stench was more foul than that of a 24-year-old student, and it quickly spread.

The heads on Meruzagarudo's neck all blinked blankly, completely unresponsive to what happened just now.

"Run away now."

A man in bright silver armor appeared out of nowhere, holding the scabbard with one hand and the hilt with the other, making a gesture of drawing the knife.

The young father whose life was saved, perhaps because he was too panicked, picked up the child and ran away in a hurry without even saying a word of thanks.

Meruzagaludo looked down blankly at his severed right fingers...

The opponent's speed was so fast that even he himself didn't see clearly that he should be a warrior on this planet.


Meruzagarudo took advantage of Juhean and turned his head to talk to the young father, and quickly moved behind him, aiming at his head with both hands and taking a joint shot.

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