Even though the opponent was wearing a metal helmet, with all his strength, he would undoubtedly die.


Meruzagarudo's hands were closed heavily, as if to swatt a fly.

But the touch is different than expected.

Meruzagarudo loosened his hand in confusion.

A metal helmet that was photographed as flat as a Shenzhou tablet fell from Meruzagaludo's hand to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Do you think I won't be able to sense such a strong murderous intent?"

I don't know when, Ihean, who dodged to the side, lowered his body, lowered his body's center of gravity, and assumed a posture of drawing his sword.

The next moment, another deep slash appeared on one of Meruzagarudo's heads.




Chapter 114 Why Do You Know So Many Teachers' Names?


Visually!Breathe!The cut of the carp!Pay!cut!Blood shakes!Na knife!

Home cut!

This is the nirvana that Ihean is most proud of, and it is also the reason why he can become the second A-level hero.

Knife drawing was originally a sword technique used for surprise attacks, because a samurai sword has a certain curvature, and it is certainly not as easy to accurately judge the length as a straight-edged sword or sword.

But I am fully aware of whether the opponent is within the scope of my first move, so once the battle starts, we can grasp the battle situation in advance and make the first move in a favorable position.

Therefore, the characteristic of the knife drawing technique is to emphasize that one move is fatal!

But Iai-an’s Iai-cut is different:

It is to use the posture and strength when drawing the sword to form stronger explosive power and attack power than ordinary swordsmanship.

And for this kind of slash, Juhean can slash up to five times in one go.

After the five strongest Iai slashes, several criss-crossing and dense scars appeared on Meruzagarudo's head, chest, abdomen, arms, and thighs, and deep and low scars were visible. Blood gushed out and swayed all over the ground.

But what is surprising is that there are no bones or flesh in the cut wound, except for the oil-like blood when it was cut open-accurately speaking, it is hard to say whether it is blood or not. — nothing.

Ihean, who performed five consecutive Iai cuts, was sweating profusely and panting.

Sending out his strongest attacks continuously is a huge burden on the body, and it will undoubtedly reduce the combat power in a short period of time.

What made people even more desperate was that after he stopped attacking, the wound on Meruzagarudo's body, which was cut by Iai Zhan before, was slowly healing.

He was horrified to see with his own eyes that even one of the heads, which was almost cut in half, healed miraculously as if closed by an invisible zipper.

"Damn, is this guy immortal?"

Iagean wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Although it is very good in terms of strength."

"But after all, the individual's physical fitness is too poor."

"Sure enough, Earthlings are still a weak race."

"Quickly kill him."

"I think so."

The heads on Meruzagarudo's neck reached a consensus, and then it slowly raised its left hand, and the whole arm suddenly shrank into the shoulder visible to the naked eye, and then suddenly expanded, changing into the shape of a hammer.



A series of gaps were made in the broken walls behind the original location of Juhean.


Meruzagaludo looked to the side suspiciously. It deliberately used all its strength in the attack just now, and the opponent's continuous use of powerful slashes consumed a lot of physical strength. Logically speaking, it should be impossible to dodge.

"Are you OK?"

A cold voice rang in his ears, Juhean turned his head and saw a girl in a black windbreaker.

"You...you are Master Dark Sword?"

"you know me?"

Kiriko was a little surprised when she put Ihean on the ground, which looked like she was hugging a pillow.

"Yes, I am Juhean, a disciple of Master Atomic Samurai. Master, he... admires you very much."

Juhean paused for a moment, then changed his words.

Of course, he was embarrassed to say that since Tongzi became an S-level hero, the master seemed to have changed. Before, the master only had swordsmanship in his eyes, but now he has more than swordsmanship.

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