As early as Tongzi and Genos became S-level heroes, the Hero Association officials were already making plans for the surrounding areas.

Originally, the Heroes Association was making merchandise, and the most popular and famous one was of course the 24-year-old sweetheart mask who was still an idol.

Later, after the Deep Sea King incident, the Hero Association officials finally finalized and decided to vigorously promote Tongzi's peripherals.

But Master not only bought these things that should be bought, but also bought a lot of things that should not be bought...

Such as notebooks.

At least as far as Ihean is concerned, he has seen versions drawn by teachers such as Kitahara Aki, Kizuki Aruchu, Aoi Mikku, and Yanagi Hirohiko.

I heard that there are more on station E.

Of course Juhean didn't dare to say these words.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that the phrase "take your old horse to fly" in Catch Shrimp House will come true to me.

"Be careful, swordsmanship is useless against this guy."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Kiriko waved the sword casually, and cut the pointed spear, together with Meruzagard, into countless pieces.

The shattered Meruzagaludo fell to the ground, and then the fragments floated again, reassembled in the air, and healed back to its previous appearance.

But to be precise, it's different.

There were many heads on Meruzagarudo's neck before, but now after being reassembled, there is only one head, but the only head has a lot of eyes.

Who hasn't fought the BOSS yet, isn't this the second stage?

The long-lost battle made Meruzagaludo feel unspeakably hearty.

Ever since following Master Poros and fighting in the north and south, he has rarely encountered an opponent who forced himself out of this form.

More often than not, the enemy has already fallen without making any effort.

"I didn't expect that there are creatures on this planet that can rival me. Very good, then try to resist our aggression..."

"You are already dead."

Before Meruzagarudo finished speaking, Kiriko inserted the two swords back into their scabbards.


There was a look of shock in Meruzagarudo's eyes. It slowly lowered its head. In its multiple eyes, it can be seen that its palms are like quicksand blown by the wind. It starts with the palms, then the arms, and finally the whole body, dissipating bit by bit.

"How can..."

Before the last words were finished, his entire body was turned into fly ash and annihilated in the air.


Gloribus walked in the aisle inside the spaceship.

Even if there is still a distance, you can still feel the vibration generated when the interior of the spacecraft is destroyed.

what happened?

Isn't it obvious that Meruzagarudo is outside to protect the spaceship?

How could the natives of this planet invade the interior of this great spaceship?

What the hell is that idiot Meruzagarudo doing?

After the planet is destroyed, it must be resigned from the most senior combatant in order to apologise.

But that's good too, if you solve the intruder, you can prove that you are stronger than Meruzagarudo.

"The intruder has passed, you must stop him there, Gloribas!"

In Gloribas's mind, someone else's voice suddenly sounded.

This was the most senior combatant left besides himself and Meruzagard-Goryu Ganshupu.

Because of its special ability, it can transmit its heartfelt voice directly into other people's minds, so it was entrusted by Master Poros with a heavy responsibility. Among the three most senior combatants, Goluganshup is better than himself and Meluza. Garudo is taller.

But when he gets rid of the intruders, Lord Poros will definitely look at him with admiration.

"Understood, who do you think I am? I recently learned new moves, and now there are 20 of them."

Gloribas responded impatiently.

That Goryuganshup and himself are both top-level combatants. In theory, everyone is equal, and there is no one who orders anyone. However, because Lord Poros gave it a higher authority, it can command itself and Meruzagarudo. .

It's really frustrating.

But now I can only bear with it.

After all, Goryuganshup was appointed by Lord Poros, and if he was dissatisfied, it would be tantamount to being dissatisfied with that Lord.

No matter how stupid he is, Gloribas is not stupid enough to vent his dissatisfaction to the overlord of the universe.

Since you can't pour it out on your own people, let's vent this unhappiness on the intruder.

It's a pity that there is no way to show all the unique moves, because the opponent always dies before that.

Hey, how lonely invincible is.

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