In fact, in the meeting room, I noticed that Saitama and Kiriko had disappeared one after another, and the S-class heroes who were in the meeting also left the headquarters building one after another.

After leaving the headquarters building, Atomic Samurai saw his disciple Juhean fighting Meruzagarudo, and he was still in a bitter fight.

But before he could rush over, Tongzi had already wiped out the enemy.

"It's nothing, I'm just doing this with a little effort."

Tongzi is not modest, it is really just a little effort.

She didn't even use her skills just now, she just had a fast attack speed.

On the way to help her, she saw that Juhean was using Juhe Zhan, and it was useless to chop Meruzagarudo many knives. Even if she thought about it with Nai Yazi, she could guess the regeneration ability of that monster. Normal creatures are much stronger.

So when the other party was talking, she drew out her double swords and chopped the other party into a powder state.

When she was chopping, she seemed to have chopped a few beads, but she didn't worry about why there were beads in the opponent's body. In short, after chopping all the beads, the guy turned into a puddle, which was bigger than a 24-year-old student. Smelly mud.

"Sure enough, he is still young and promising."

The silver fangs that are always hunched over, like a real old man, with his hands behind his back, his face full of kindness and kindness.

Although his age is indeed the oldest among S-level heroes, if he is underestimated because of this, he will suffer a lot.

Only relying on qualifications and age, it is impossible to gain a firm foothold in the S class.

"The problem now is the big guy above the head."

The metal bat carries the bat over the shoulder.

"If it doesn't come down all the time, you can't beat it even if you want to."

The sexy prisoner squeezed his ass-shaped chin.

"There should be aircraft in the association. The problem is that if you get close, you will definitely be attacked."

"Tongdi may have a way to deal with it. After all, that boy has developed a lot of weird things."

Atomic Samurai also joined the conversation after confirming that his disciple Juhean was fine.

"It's a pity that the metal knight didn't come. Otherwise, with the large number of mechanical weapons under his command, he would definitely have a way to sink that spaceship."

"Hey, what about the others?"

Tongzi looked around, and found that standing in the ruins, besides herself and Juhean, were the atomic warriors, metal bats, silver fangs and sexy prisoners who had just arrived.

On the headquarters building of the Heroes Association in the distance, you can barely see Tongdi with several spider-like mechanical arms stretching out from his schoolbag, and the tornado floating in the air with superpowers, and the superalloy black light with bronze skin, And the equally muscular vest venerable.

But what about the others?

Obviously, when the meeting was held, there were only two S-class heroes who were not present, but now there are even more absent.

"Hey, look up there, what's going on there?"

Hearing the exclamation of Silver Fang, Kiriko looked up in the direction his arm was pointing.

The top of that huge and strange spaceship suddenly exploded, and it was a huge explosion. The flames burned wildly, almost filling the entire top of the spaceship, and the black smoke produced by the flames soared upwards.

But then, the violent wind blew away the black smoke, and extinguished the flame that was still burning so fiercely before.

That is……

"Someone's fighting up there."

Atomic Samurai said what Kiriko was thinking.

There's no way this huge, weird ship exploded and burned for no reason, someone must have done it.

Could it be that……

In Tongzi's mind, the bald head who promised to sink the spaceship from the inside appeared.

"Master, and everyone, shouldn't it be better for us to stay away? If that big thing falls..."

Juhean swallowed, his forehead and face were covered with dense sweat.

Although he didn't go on to say the following words, everyone understood what he meant.

"Ihe, you're right, we can't do anything here anyway."

Atomic Samurai looked relieved that "I really taught a good apprentice".

"Then I will lead the way."

Before Silver Fang finished speaking, he was already more than ten meters away.

"Silver Fang is so old, why can he run faster than Xiang Lane?"

The sexy prisoner yelled, and also followed the silver fangs.


It's just that compared with the speed of the silver fangs, the speed of the sexy prisoner who shouted the move seems to be no different from the speed when he didn't shout.

"Hey, dead ladyboy, don't get in front of me, you're running too slowly."

Metal bats waved disapprovingly behind the sexy prisoner.


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