"Hey, do you just use force with your mouth?"

In this panic, only one person did not move.

"Hey, Miss Dark Sword, why are you standing there stupidly..."


A more violent explosion than before exploded above the spaceship. The continuous explosions destroyed the superstructure of the spaceship, and a large number of spaceship fragments fell like rain. Afterwards, there was a blazing white light sweeping around, which was dazzling. I couldn't even open my eyes, and then there was a pink beam of light that shot straight into the sky.

The pink beam of light appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. When the beam of light disappeared, the surroundings returned to silence again.

"What happened just now?"

All the heroes couldn't help being shocked.

What happened today is completely beyond their cognition.

I was called to a meeting suddenly, I thought it was not a big deal at first, then the headquarters building of the association was attacked, the whole city A was destroyed, a huge spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky, there were strange people who seemed to be aliens, and the disciple of the atomic warrior Iaidan battle...

But now, another inexplicable explosion occurred on the top floor of the spaceship.

No one knows exactly what happened.

After all, they were only here for a meeting. Who would have thought that so many accidents would happen...

It's like you were just a student on a colonial satellite, but you happened to encounter hostile forces attacking the colonial satellite, and you took the secret developed Gundam by chance while you were taking refuge...

Anyone would be confused.

Tongzi was naturally also confused.

It's just that the reason she was confused was because she saw clearly that in the pink beam of light that shot straight into the sky, there was a flying figure...


This guy……

Tongzi, who came back to her senses, clenched her fists involuntarily.

Tongzi is not a good person, never has been.

Not a Madonna who sees strangers suffer and suffers and suffers very much...

Maybe she would sigh, maybe she would sigh, but not to the point of being very painful or uncomfortable...

You can say she is hard-hearted, or you can say she is selfish...


It would be different if the people around her were hurt!

"I want you all to be buried with Saitama!"

Accompanied by Tongzi's roar, a group of shining golden halos bloomed beside her.

Unlike the past that could summon hundreds or thousands of golden light wheels at one go, this time only one was summoned, but it was very huge. The headquarters building of the Heroes Association.

This time, what emerged from the King's Treasure was not the sword and spear of the past...

It was a huge black metal object.

This black metal object has a futuristic industrial texture, rigid lines, and a series of complex but precise parts. There is also a huge black bird pattern on the side of the black metal object.

Such a huge black metal object is not solid, but hollow.

Inside, there are a large number of thick lines like blood vessels, which are densely packed with unknown uses. If you want to get a glimpse of it, it is even more unfathomable.

"This...what the hell is this thing?"

The S-class heroes who were running away were all shocked when they saw the black metal thing Tongzi summoned.

Strictly speaking, this is Tongzi's first time using the King's Treasure to summon this thing out.

As mentioned before, every time Tongzi gains one level, her skill proficiency will also increase by one level.

Tongzi's King's Treasure originally only included various famous weapons from ancient times to the present—such as the sword of Perseus that cut off Medusa's head, and the sword of Hogni that killed Sigurd , Another example is Budu Yuhun and so on...

But I don't know, when the King's Treasure reaches a certain level of proficiency, there will be a lot of black technological treasures from ancient celestial dynasties in it.

For example, the one Tongzi summoned now...

It is the secondary gun of the Emperor-class starship Afanggong.

Although the technology of the Qin Empire has been lost for a long time, the authenticity of the emperor-class starship Afanggong has been verified by ancient people.

In the "A Fang Gong Fu" written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, there is such a passage-Shushan Wu, A Fang came out.The pressure is more than three hundred miles, and the sun is isolated.

Translated in the current language, that is to say——when the Emperor-class starship Efanggong was dispatched, the shadow that covered the sky and the sunset was more than three hundred miles long.

Of course, the more than three hundred miles here is not a real number. The ancients liked to use the technique of modifying metaphors.

In fact, archaeological history has long been restored. The total length of the Emperor-class starship Afanggong, from the bow to the stern, is 30 kilometers in total, which is far less than 300 miles (150 kilometers).

It is speculated that the weight should be only about tens of billion tons, and it is not as exaggerated as the hundreds of billions or even trillions of tons that netizens boast.

According to research, Emperor-class starships usually only appear in the most powerful fleet of the Qin Empire Navy. Due to their rarity and high value, they are usually closely guarded as flagships.

It's a pity that the technology of the Qin Empire was lost after its demise, so that in the late Eastern Han Dynasty when the [-]th princes were fighting for Dong, there were only a few Gundams outside Hulao Pass.

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