Hundreds of years later, in the Song Dynasty, technology was falling again and again, and soldiers could only be equipped with magic arm electromagnetic crossbows and infantry power armor.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Ming army could only use three-eyed revolving rapid-fire guns, and the red barbarian cannon imported from the western barbarians, which shot out with an iron ball.

The current Tongzi, of course, cannot summon the complete emperor-class starship Afanggong. In fact, she can't even summon the main cannon, and only the secondary cannon can be summoned.

However, even if it is only a secondary gun, it is enough.

Inside the barrel of the secondary gun, the dense and thick lines began to charge, and when the warm-up was completed, the huge black bird pattern on the gun body also became pitch black.

next moment……

A thick pillar of blue light shot out from the gun barrel, and shot at the spaceship of the Dark Matter Thieves floating in the air.

When the faint blue light came into contact with the spaceship, there was no loud noise as imagined.

It's like the video is muted, there is no sound.

But the spaceship that came into contact with the faint blue light disintegrated and melted bit by bit, turning into dust in the air.

Yes, not destroyed, not sunk...

Instead, there are not even fragments and wreckage left, including all life and things on the spaceship, directly turned into dust in the air.

But Tongzi, who sent out this blow, didn't feel well either.

Even if it was her, summoning the secondary guns of the Emperor-class starship Efanggong to launch the attack just now was quite exhausting and burdensome to her body.

Fortunately, there will be no hidden illness left, and it will recover after a period of rest.

"Miss Dark Sword, you...are you alright?"

"Is there any injury?"

"Iai, use your mobile phone to call the ambulance."

"Master, the headquarters of the association is right there, wouldn't it be better to go to the headquarters?"

Silver Fang and Atomic Warrior, after being overly shocked, reacted and ran towards Tongzi one after another.

But Tongzi ignored their concerns.


Tongzi punched the ground with resentment, although this punch was just an unconscious action, but it also smashed stone chips and dust.

Sai -- Jade --

What a miserable death you have!

"I'm so stupid, really," Tongzi continued, raising her dull eyes. "I only know that Saitama is very strong, even stronger than the average S-rank; I didn't know that the enemy would be stronger, and even knocked Saitama out of the earth. No matter how strong Saitama is, there is no air, food, or water in outer space," she said. Then he whimpered and couldn't speak a word.

"Saitama? I remember that guy, isn't he the kid you brought with Silver Fang?"

Atomic Samurai looked at Silver Fang in confusion.

"Miss Dark Sword, what do you think happened to Saitama?"

Startled, Silver Fang asked hastily.

Like Tongzi, Silver Fang is one of the very few insiders who know Saitama's true strength.Originally ranked as a B-level hero, Saitama was not qualified to participate in today's S-level hero meeting. It was Silver Fang who wanted to bring him here.

Because he felt that with Saitama's ability, sooner or later he would enter the ranks of S rank, so bringing it here now is considered familiar.

It's just that after the attack, Saitama disappeared, and now listening to the tone and inexplicable words of the dark sword lady, Saitama seems to have encountered something unexpected?

But just as he spoke, a figure fell heavily.




Chapter 116 Overthrowing Sword Artillery, Overthrowing Mechanical Power



A large amount of rubble was blown into the air, and the shock wave spread out, sweeping away the blown dust.


Saitama looked at him in a daze, and Tong Zi and others also looked at him in a daze.

"Where is my BOSS? I am such a big BOSS, why is it missing?"

"Saitama, are you still alive?"

"Tongzi, why are you here? And old man... by the way, have you seen that white guy? And... Hey, where is the spaceship? Where did such a big spaceship go?"

Saitama is naturally very happy to be cared about, but there are more important things to do than being happy.

When he was fighting with the leader of the dark matter thieves group who is known as the overlord of the universe, Saitama had a feeling of passion for a long time-well, although it was not as smooth as the battle of the underground king in his dream, at least Poros was better than other The weirdo is much stronger.

At least other weirdos, there is no way to knock him out of the atmosphere and hit the moon in one breath.

But why, in the short time he left the earth, everything changed?

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