Tongzi sat down boldly, and when she sat down, there was already a member of the blowing snow team next to her, who took out a small ponytail, and made Tongzi sit on that ponytail.

"Don't worry, these people are just here to have hot pot with me."

"Hot Pot?"

The leader of Kudaoliu was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that behind Tongzi and Chalanzi, there was a handsome young man with blond hair and a bald head who looked like a passerby, sitting by the hot pot with relish Eating hot pot happily.

And from beginning to end, he never looked this way.

Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, Tongzi continued to speak with a smile.

"Aren't you looking for the master of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist? Just right, the one next to me is the favorite student of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist Master Fan. Mr. Banggu is not in the dojo due to something. If you want to learn Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, you can find him enough."


When Tongzi said this suddenly, the eyes of Kudaoliu and those guys all focused on Cha Lanzi, who almost urinated on the spot.

At this time, Cha Lanzi couldn't help complaining to Tongzi.

If he had the ability to defeat so many opponents, why would he talk so much and just go straight up.

"Don't worry, if you want to compete, it has nothing to do with us. You should learn from each other."

The leader of Kudaoliu's face showed a struggle, but after hesitating for a while, he finally made up his mind.

He didn't know Tongzi's background, but there were so many people under him, and he was still holding AA-12 in broad daylight, so he must be a big boss with background.

Generally, big shots with backgrounds like this value face and reputation more than anything else. There are so many pairs of eyes here, she can't deny it.

In addition to this reason, there is another very important reason. The reputation effect brought about by the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist that defeated the third S-level hero was simply too great for him to refuse.

Liushuiyan Shattering Fist is already well-known in the martial arts world, plus the fame of an S-class hero, how can he resist the addition of these two fames?

Of course, the leader of Kudaoliu is not a fool. In fact, since he entered this dojo, he has measured tea orchid seeds with the professional eyes of a martial artist.

What to say?

If this person is just a disciple, he is undoubtedly qualified.

But as the chief disciple, or even a representative of a school, it is absolutely unqualified.

With this guy as an opponent, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

Steady, this one is absolutely stable.

After defeating this guy, leave immediately, and then declare to the public that Ku Daoliu defeated Liushuiyan Shattering Fist...

Anyway, the actual situation is indeed the case, who let only this one kid who overestimated himself is left in the dojo.

In this way, Ku Daoliu's reputation will definitely be greatly improved, and he will become a rising star in the martial arts world.

"Then let me learn the trick of Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist."

So the leader of Kudaoliu re-entered the dojo and assumed a fighting posture.

"I...flow...flowing water and broken rocks...fist...also...please enlighten me..."

Seeing that this sparring could not be avoided no matter what, Cha Lanzi had no choice but to bite the bullet, his heart felt weak, his body trembled even more, and those people in Ku Daoliu laughed unscrupulously when they saw it.

"It' hot..."

"Teacher, let me blow it up for you..."

Saitama and Genos are still eating hot pot, as if in their eyes, the big hot pot is the biggest.

The people in the Fubuki group were all standing around the dojo. Although they didn't understand what was going on, they knew that Cha Lanzi in the white Taoist uniform was going to fight the guy in the black Taoist uniform from their current posture.

They don't know martial arts, but judging from Cha Lanzi's performance, he has already lost in terms of momentum...

"By the way, I almost forgot to say..."

Just when the fight was about to start, Tongzi suddenly seemed to think of something, and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Since Mr. Banggu invited me here today, he naturally treats me as a friend. Cha Lanzi is Mr. Banggu's disciple, and he is also half of me. I like to distinguish things clearly when I do things. You are cool." Liu wants to kick the gymnasium, this is the rule of the martial arts world, and I can't stop it, so in this dojo, no matter what happens, I can say nothing to interfere."

The leader of Kudaoliu couldn't help but soften his face after hearing Tongzi's words, and he couldn't help but praise Tongzi in his heart.

As expected of a big boss, he has a clear distinction between public and private.

"However, after leaving this dojo, it will be different."

With a smile on her face, Tongzi looked at the mountain ape standing behind her neatly, like a door god.

"Shanyuan, who hurt my Tongzi, how should I be counted?"

"Convex (艹盘哉)! Anyone who dares to touch Mr. Tong, then we will touch his horse!"

Shan Yuan stared at Ku Daoliu's people with a murderous look on his face, and the rest of the Fubuki group also showed murderous looks.

The leader of Kudaoliu's face changed drastically.

Mud horse!

Can I take back my previous likes?

Even if they are athletes, they will still be injured during normal training. How can martial artists not get injured when they compete with each other?

You must know that the martial arts in this world are not just ostentatious performances on stage or on TV, but real killing skills.

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