"You...you Liushuiyanshaken fist, do you only use these despicable methods?"

The leaders of Kudaoliu were trembling with anger, they were the only ones who plotted against others on weekdays, when it was their turn to plot against them.

People who like to calculate others all day long will be more angry than ordinary people when they are calculated.

"Hey, can you be accurate when you spray people? I'm not a person who breaks fists with flowing water and rocks. Besides, when it comes to being despicable, aren't you all despicable? You clearly know that there are only Banggu and Chalanzi in this dojo. Personally, I brought so many people to the stadium, what kind of person am I, and I don’t have Hercules in my heart?"

Tongzi responded with a sneer.

"let's go."

The leader of Kudaoliu's face changed again, but in the face of so many big men with guns, he didn't dare to say anything cruel, so he could only take other people and planned to leave here.

"Am I letting you go?"

Following Kiriko's words, the Fubuki group in the dojo all pointed their AA-12s at the Kudoryu people who were about to leave.

"You... what do you want to do? Do you still dare to kill people?"

The leader of Kudaoliu screamed.

Even their cool Daoliu didn't do such a good job. When they encountered a dojo that they couldn't beat, at most they just took away the son of the dojo teacher, and sent the dojo teacher to the ICU by taking advantage of people's emotional and spiritual weaknesses.

At best, they beat people into vegetative states, but they never killed animals.

"What kind of place do you think this is? Since you are here to kick the gym, you should have the consciousness of kicking the pavilion. If the situation is not good, you want to stop. Do you think this is playing tomorrow's Ark?"

Tongzi stood up from the mat, and a younger brother next to him immediately went up to put the mat away.

"Now I will give you two choices: first, each of you will fight Cha Lanzi; second, Cha Lanzi will fight each of you."

Is there any difference in this mud horse?

Guys of Kudaoliu, after hearing the choice given by Tongzi, they wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Okay, now you can start to choose. You see, I am still very open-minded. I will give you a chance to choose. If it were someone else, I would probably put you in a sack, tie it to a stone and sink it into Tokyo Bay. You know, the water in Tokyo Bay is very cold."

Looking at those people whose faces became ugly, Kiriko showed the same smile as Team Leader Inukane.

"Don't worry, I won't do that. I'm not a devil after all."

I heard that in the ancient training of soldiers, before the first time to kill, they would start with dead bodies. Tongzi didn't know if this was true, but it did sound somewhat reasonable.

Since Cha Lanzi aims to practice martial arts, he is probably tired of punching the air and wooden stakes all day long. It may be better to replace it with a real person.

This is counted as Mr. Bang Gu, please come and eat lobster by yourself in return.


In the end, the guys in Kudaoliu really competed with Cha Lanzi.

Having said that, but with so many pointing AA-12 at the side, no matter how strong the psychological quality is, it is impossible not to feel nervous.

In the final analysis, this is just the instinct of creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Even if among them, there are very few brave ones, I am sure that Tongzi would not dare to shoot and kill people, because the shotgun will shoot in one piece, if they do shoot, it will not only be them, Chalanzi who was fighting with them in the field will not be spared.

Everyone understands this simple truth, but when it's your turn to play, you may not be able to maintain your composure. Besides, who can guarantee that there will be no time when the gun goes off?

In case of fire, whether Chalanzi will be injured or killed is none of their business, but they must be in bad luck.

Therefore, under such circumstances, everyone in Kudaoliu became restrained.

So Cha Lanzi suddenly became extremely brave, beating the shit so coolly.

In the end, these guys who came to kick the hall, everyone was severely taught by Chalanzi, and Tongzi let them help each other to leave.

Don't think that Tongzi is ruthless, if Tongzi, Saitama, and Genos are not here, and Chalanzi is the only one in the dojo, the guys of Kudaoliu will only do better than Tongzi.

You can tell just by looking at the way they bring so many people to the stadium.

If it's just a general martial arts competition, you can make a phone call first, and then make an appointment for a competition. No matter whether you win or lose, everyone will laugh it off. The so-called making friends through martial arts is nothing more than that.

Where is the need to bring so many people?


Afterwards, everyone happily had a hot pot meal at Mr. Bang's dojo.

Although Bang Pu, the elder brother of Banggu, sent a lot of lobsters, it was only for two or three people. The Fuxue group had more than [-] people at once, which seemed to be a small number.

But before coming, I brought the ingredients.

Banggu is surprised that Tongzi and Fubuki are so close.

Because he knew who Chuuxue's sister was.

Several times during the dinner, he seemed to open his mouth to say something, but in the end the old man still didn't say anything.

For a period of time after that, the days were very peaceful, and there was nothing to repeat. Tongzi played games at home as usual. I have to say that games, playing with friends, and playing alone, are really different.

In the past, Tongzi played alone, which was okay at first, but she would get tired of playing too much, and many family entertainment somatosensory games of Nintendo, playing alone is like a bad idea.

But now that KING has moved here and lives with me, together with the Fuxue team, they are not allowed to go out all day long. Apart from training, they can only play games.

The more people there are, the more interesting it is to play family-style entertainment somatosensory games.

In addition to playing games, Tongzi also often goes outside, patrols the city, and solves monsters on the spot when she encounters them, but her main target is hero hunters.

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