As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about you.A guy who specializes in shooting heroes is much trickier than a weirdo who only knows how to destroy.

After all, the hero roster will be published every month, recording the information and materials of most heroes, and even the habits and entertainment hobbies of the heroes are clearly written on it.

Perhaps that hero hunter bought every issue of the hero roster, so he was able to find every hero accurately.

There are now more than 50 heroes who have been defeated by the hero hunters, and there are many A-level heroes among them...

Even the vest legion formed by the S-level hero Vest Venerable and the younger heroes who followed him, lost to the hero hunter.

You must know that although the Vest Master is not the strongest among the S-level heroes, he is also at the middle and lower levels. Coupled with the support of the Vest Legion with many younger brothers, even against the dragon-level monsters, he can at least fight five or five times. open.

After all, the composition of the Vest Legion is different from that of the Fubuki group. All the members of the Fubuki group are B-level, but there are A-level heroes like vest vegetarians in the Vest Legion...

But even so, it would still be defeated.

Tongzi saw this news from the newspaper. It is said that the situation at that time was extremely tragic. The pavement of the entire pedestrian street was smashed. The heroes who usually enjoyed applause and flowers were dumped on the ground like garbage. , but the perpetrator has long since disappeared.

This incident intensified Tongzi's fear of the Hero Hunter guy—of course she wasn't afraid, but that didn't mean the Fubuki team wasn't afraid either. Super heroes can be defeated, and the disaster level is at least above the "dragon" guy, the Fubuki team probably won't even be able to escape.

Therefore, Tongzi strictly ordered Fubuki and the Fubuki team not to go out, at least until the Hero Hunter was dealt with, no one was allowed to leave this apartment...

"Oh, the hot girls are fucking him, oh, the hotties are fucking him..."

Tongzi took out her phone and glanced at it.

"It's Genos. It's rare for you to call me. What's the matter?"




I actually think that playing Total War Three Kingdoms is more interesting than waiting for the magician to release a video.

Chapter 119


This is a huge open-air venue. Tongzi has only seen venues of this scale on TV before, but she has never experienced it in person.

Now she experiences it.

Looking around, every small black dot is a person, densely packed, how many people this open-air venue can accommodate, Tongzi has given up counting, in short, there are many, many people.

Not only the surrounding seats, but even the surrounding area of ​​the competition platform in the center were surrounded by spectators.

The reason why she is here is simple:

She was called here by Genos to cheer Saitama.

It turned out that after the Venerable Vest and the Vest Legion were sent to the hospital by the hero hunter named "Hungry Wolf", Cha Lanzi, who was eating hot pot with Tongzi and the others at the Banggu Dojo that day, was also sent to the hospital together.

And Cha Lanzi was going to participate in this martial arts conference, but because of being injured by a hungry wolf, he couldn't come to participate again.In order to experience martial arts, Saitama came here instead of Chalanzi.

"Gentlemen and ladies, the 22nd Super Fight begins now! All contestants are invited to enter the arena!"

The host, whose hair was as high as a hat, exaggeratedly introduced the contestants of this martial arts tournament to the audience in turn.

This martial arts competition seems to be a very famous competition. Almost anyone who is a martial artist will never miss this competition. If he wins this competition, whether it is for his own fame or the reputation of the martial arts genre he represents, Undoubtedly it will go up to the next level.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are people who sneer at the so-called false fame, but even if it is not for fame, there must be very few people who can resist the temptation of money.

If you can become the champion, you can get a bonus of 300 million yen.

At least for Saitama, fame is worse than shit, he just values ​​the double happiness of being able to fight with martial artists and get bonuses...

Tongzi plucked her ears out of boredom but gracefully.

She basically didn't listen to the host's introduction very carefully. Anyway, there was a bald man who participated in this martial arts tournament.

Among them, the strongest one can hold up one more punch at most...

This is the difference between stacking the thickest armor and not stacking armor in front of the black soul boss.

In other games, stack the thickest armor and suffer the most vicious beating...

But in the black soul, the thickest armor is just an extra blow.

What surprised Tongzi was that besides Saitama, there were actually two other heroes who also participated in this martial arts tournament...

Lightning Max ranked 19th in Class A, and Snake was the last in Class A.

Tongzi has a little impression of Sneak, and always feels that this guy seems to have met somewhere, but she can't remember.

Apart from these two, the most noteworthy one is the only woman among the contestants—"Zhanglingquan" Lingling.

As the name suggests, this girl wears two pairs of bells of different sizes, and even has bells on her feet. She is dressed in a Chinese style, which can be said to be very suitable for Tongzi.

I just don't know how strong this kung fu girl is.


"Contestant Max, KO'd Contestant Lingling without any suspense."

On the competition stage, Max raised one hand to show that he had won, while Lingling was lying on the ground.

In this martial arts conference, everyone competes with real kung fu, and injuries are inevitable. Therefore, the organizers are equipped with specialized medical staff. nearby large hospital for treatment.

After the referee announced that Max had won, the medical staff who had been standing by for a long time carried the injured girl down.

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