Crossbow S let out a series of laughter that a villain should have.

"Is it the scruples to hurt my companion? It's really touching. My tears are about to fall."

"Nu S, if you are really capable, don't use puppets."

"Flowing snow, I thought you were going to say something, that's all? Don't you think that I, Mr. Nu S, would be as pedantic as you heroes? Just relying on this to motivate me to release the hostages, you are too young If you have the courage, then shoot.”

"do not want!"

The only rescued hero who was not whipped, pleaded again and again.

"Master Fubuki, the Dark Flame Dragon Saber has only controlled them, please don't hurt them."

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho - if you don't hurt them, even you will become my slaves."

Crossbow S smiled even more happily.

Because it is very clear that a hero is different from a weirdo. If you are a weirdo, you don’t care whether you are a companion or not. Even if you are a companion before you become a weirdo, after you become a weirdo, there will be no so-called companions. fetters.

After all, what the weirdo talks about is the survival of the fittest, the strong are respected, whoever has the biggest fist will benefit, and whoever can wear other people's shoes, leaving others with no shoes to wear.

The hero is different, no matter how weak the hero is, unless he is sure that he is no longer a companion, but a weird person, and cannot be rescued, it is absolutely impossible to directly attack his companion.

If they attack their fellows, no matter how justifiable their reasons may be, they will be criticized by public opinion.

In the human world, public opinion can also kill.

Therefore, it expected that Chuuxue would not dare to do anything.

And I can shoot as I like, as long as I control Fubuki, it is equivalent to taking down the weaknesses of two S-level heroes at the same time. The two happiness superimposed together will be even more happiness, when the time comes...

Several small metal cylindrical objects were suddenly thrown over.

Crossbow S was startled, do these guys really dare to kill their companions?

Aren't they afraid of being sanctioned by the Hero Association and the public?

boom buzz --

The dazzling white light took away its vision at this moment, the white light occupied the world, and there was a huge buzzing noise, even weirdos couldn't bear the superimposed power of several shock bombs.

After a few seconds, Crossbow S, who had recovered his vision and hearing, woke up and found that the heroes who were originally used as shields had been transferred to a distance by Fubuki with superpowers.

But Fubuki can only use superpowers to move them away, but can't release them from the control, so of course the crossbow S can still control the heroes who have been transferred...

But before that, thirty or so AA-12s spewed righteous canisters.




Then I said: "Lord of Glamorgan?"

Chapter 121

Tongzi, like a firefighter, rushed to various cities to fight.

There have been reports of weirdos attacks all over the place, and the density and number of occurrences are unprecedented.

What's even more strange is that these weirdos seem to have done an investigation beforehand. They know the intelligence of the heroes like the back of their hands, and the ones they send must be targeted at the heroes patrolling the local area.

At the beginning, Tongzi didn't feel that much, but as more and more monsters were eliminated, Tongzi felt more familiar.

She felt as if she was not fighting monsters, but humans.

That's right, human beings.

It was as if there was a person manipulating these weirdos behind the scenes, collecting intelligence, distributing combat power, and then attacking everywhere.

In comparison, the Heroes Association's reaction was like that of an elderly man, unresponsive and overwhelmed.

Of course, there is a possibility that human beings become weird, and there is a possibility that a human being with a particularly high intelligence will become a weird because of his obsession.

Anyway, it's useless to think about it now, let's inform the Hero Association later.

Compared with this, what Tongzi wants to know more now is, what are the strange people trying to do without warning?

It's just a demonstration to the Heroes' Association, declaring that weirdos can also hug together to keep warm, or is there a deeper purpose?

"Is such a young girl a hero? She really doesn't know how to live or die. It's a pity that she has to go to that world at such a young age. If you want to blame it, you are a hero."

The strange man whose hair was full of poisonous snakes pointed the long stick in his hand at Tongzi, and then all the poisonous snakes on his head bit at Tongzi fiercely.

However, Tongzi held a black long sword in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, instead of dodging, she rushed towards the strange man.

A black radiance fell from the sky, like the silver light pouring down from the Milky Way in the nine heavens. The strange man stood there numbly, and then his whole body was split in two from the top of his head.

"The weirdo in City Y has also been solved, tell me the next location."

However, there was no sound on the phone.

It wasn't that the operator deliberately neglected Tongzi, but that she was stunned.

Not only her, but everyone in the combat meeting room of the Heroes Association headquarters was stunned.

They looked at the huge electronic screen, the electronic map representing all the cities, all of which were flashing red dots representing the attack of the weirdo, but in less than an hour, the red dots on it were all of a sudden. Sweep most of it.

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