And at least half of the time is spent on the road.

Although I know Tongzi's strength is very strong, but...

This is too strong.

The monsters that appear can be easily eliminated no matter what the disaster level is. Although other S-level heroes are also eliminating monsters everywhere now, if a list is made, even the second-ranked tornado of the S-level is the most effective way to eliminate monsters. The quantity is not even half of that of Tongzi.

It seems that after this weirdo riot is over, the hero ranking of Miss Dark Sword will rise again by a large margin.

Even the trembling tornado's ranking of "one person under one person and above ten thousand people" may have to be handed over.


The rhino wrestler dusted off the pointed rhino horns and looked at the two heroes in front of him feeling bored.

"Is this over already?"

Standing in front of it were the B-level hero Pineapple and the C-level hero Mohawk.

Just now, the rhino wrestlers didn't fight back, allowing them to attack wantonly, however...


It's really too weak!

The rhino wrestler is really unimaginable, is this the professional hero who has been suppressing the weirdo all this time?

"Let me rate your attacks... 3 points for the pineapple grenade, 1 point for the concentrated pineapple acid juice, 7 points for the pineapple cannon... 2 points for the Moxigan knife, 0 points for the Moxigan fist."

The rhinoceros wrestler deliberately let out a long sigh, as if he was a parent who learned that his child only got such a small score in the exam.

"The full score is 100 points. Only this point is really outrageous."

Until the day when he can fight the heroes to the death, the rhino wrestler is always there, trying his best to endure his urge to destroy, and making bloody efforts day after day...

These guys, can these guys feel a ten thousandth of their hard work?

Train your own body into a strong body that even a powerful hero can defend against...

But are all heroes so weak?

It's just too outrageous.

If the heroes are so weak, is it necessary for the monsters to hold back?Obviously, as long as a wave of A goes up, you can win.

"Phoenix man, and mud jellyfish, don't take any action."

The rhino wrestler said to the other two weirdos who came with him.

"These two heroes are mine."

"Fix it quickly, Rhino Wrestler, and go back with the hostages."

The phoenix man pointed to the two fainted humans in suits who were protected by the pineapple man and Mohawk's head.

"Damn it, don't even think about taking the hostage away!"

"This is a commission from Mr. Metal Bat, we will do our best to stop you!"

The pineapple man and Mohican couldn't help putting on a desperate posture when they heard the weird people's conversation.

"Then go to death!"

The two heroes were easily knocked down, and the rhinoceros wrestler looked at the Elder Centipede and the Metal Knight in the distance, who were making a fuss in the urban area.

"Phoenix man, shall we leave like this? Don't fight with the Metal Knight anymore? Anyway, the hero only has this strength, no matter how strong the Metal Knight is, we will definitely be able to finish him together."

"Don't make troubles, today is not the day of the decisive battle, Da Jiongyan has specially ordered that you are not allowed to act without authorization, let alone..."

The phoenix man looked into the distance, surrounding the elder centipede, firing missiles and cannons from time to time, blasting out clusters of flames on the elder centipede, but he was a useless metal knight.

"It's just a remote-operated robot. There is no need to fight. It will not be good for us to delay it. It is the best policy."

"I see."

When the phoenix man mentioned Dajiongyan, no matter how reluctant the rhinoceros wrestler was, he could only lower his head.

"Then take both father and son away?"

"No, just take the children, so that the reactions of the heroes will be more interesting."

The rhino wrestler and the phoenix man all looked at the two unconscious humans lying on the ground.

One of the major reasons for the riots that occurred in various cities this time is these two humans.

"I understand……"


A huge explosion sounded from behind the two weirdos, causing them to turn their heads and look.

However, on the street in the direction of the explosion, there was a strange person whose camera seemed to have been integrated with his upper body, and was rushing towards this side.

"My friend, you run so fast? What happened? Where are the other weirdos?"

Xiang Xiang Ji Zhe is one of the weird guards arranged by Phoenix Man, the purpose is to prevent other heroes from coming to make trouble when the rhino wrestler is taking hostages.

"Feng...Phoenix man, help me..."

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