"It's not easy to say. I don't know what hole cards the weirdo is hiding."

Panic and fear, like the plague, spread with the newspapers published this morning, quickly sweeping through all the cities.

Not only the newspapers, but even the TV news, there were reports similar to "The Weird Association announced that it was responsible for yesterday's weird riot."

Naturally, these reports were not approved by the Hero Association, but these unscrupulous news media only care about their own traffic.


Is this not right?

The public's reaction was roughly the same as these news media expected, and there was not much difference.

The citizens who were dissatisfied with the heroes and the Hero Association after experiencing yesterday's weirdo riots reacted immediately after seeing newspapers and TV.

Demonstrations and protests were quickly organized. They believed that so much money was donated to the Heroes’ Association every year, but the Heroes’ Association could not protect them. Among them, there were also organizations that believed that they should negotiate peace with the Weird Association and try to coexist peacefully. There were even organizations that worshiped the Weird Association. .

All cities are haunted by an excess of tension.The police were dispatched with all their strength, and B-level and C-level heroes were also fully summoned to cooperate with the police to maintain law and order.

As long as anyone with a little brain knows that in this situation, it is necessary to strike hard and show a little weakness, then the ensuing chaos and panic will completely destroy human beings.

After news outlets broke the news about the Society of Weird, the Society of Heroes finally reacted to it.




This is not to forcibly lower the IQ of the supporting characters, but it has been mentioned in the comics.

In the remake comics, the original plot is that the hungry wolf escaped from Banggu, Bangpu, and Genos, so the subsequent actions excluded the two S-levels, Silver Fang and Genos.

As for the issue of the high level of the Heroes Association, it has been very clearly stated in the original manga, and even later, many S-levels have left the Heroes Association.

In addition, if you have a little understanding of Japanese companies and workplaces, you will find that the Heroes Association is actually a Japanese company in reality.

There are many corporate diseases that Japanese companies should have, and the Heroes Association has a lot of them.

Chapter 126 The wind rises and the clouds fly


The sweet-looking but serious-looking female reporter spoke to the audience in front of the TV.

"Behind me is the headquarters of the Heroes' Association in City A. We all know that the Heroes' Association, as a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating weirdos, has been accepting donations from the general public, but their performance can be said to be unsatisfactory. ..."

"Even yesterday, not only could not stop the large-scale riots of strange people, according to reliable information, even the headquarters of the association was invaded by strange people, resulting in the death of two members of the association..."

"What the citizens are most concerned about now is the 3rd... no, it should be the decisive battle between the Monster Association and the Heroes' Association. The Heroes' Association has not responded before. Now they...oh, look, they come out Alright, the camera, the camera is about to point to the past..."

Under the yelling of the female reporter, the screen on the TV was aimed in the direction of the headquarters of the Heroes Association, and then the screen was zoomed from far to near, and it could be clearly seen that Xi Qi, one of the directors of the association, was still Several employees walked out together.

Facing many reporters and cameras, Xiqi, the leader, looked serious.

"There is an irreconcilable contradiction between humans and monsters. This is a huge conflict between races. If the monsters win, then humans will become slaves, or even domestic animals that are not even as good as slaves..."

"So, the Heroes Association will never sit idly by. For weirdos, the Heroes Association has one and only one principle: If you catch a weirdo at the airport, you will kill him at the airport; if you catch him in the toilet, you will drown in the toilet... ..."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, the flushed Xi Qi even clenched his hands into a fist and hit his heart hard.

"The glory of mankind lives forever!"

And standing behind Xiqi, a group of association staff in black suits also straightened their chests, clenched their fists with one hand and put them on their hearts.

"Dedicate your heart to mankind!"

The reporters at the scene were also moved to tears. When the power of an individual is integrated into a huge group, it will seem to give people the illusion that they are omnipotent and invincible.


"Tongzi, are you here so early?"

Saitama ran over to open the door when he heard the knock, then poked his head out and looked around.

"Hey, isn't KING here?"

"Because the Hero Association seems to be making some big news, and KING is going to participate, so I didn't come over."

Yesterday, Kiriko went to the martial arts conference to cheer for Saitama, but after receiving a contact, she went to hunt down the weirdo.And Saitama naturally made it all the way to the finals without any suspense, and finally lost his qualifications for the competition because he exposed the fact that he was wearing a wig when fighting the water dragon.

Saitama himself ran away because he was afraid of being held accountable (he impersonated Cha Lanzi in the competition, and if he was found to have damaged his reputation, he might also be fined), so when Tongzi returned to the Budo Conference later, he would Saw two weirdos out there lording it over.

Afterwards, I called Saitama and agreed to call KING to play NS at Saitama's house today, but KING suddenly had something to do and couldn't come, so only Kiriko came over.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's just the two of us. But, should we still play that game?"

"of course."

Kiriko connected the NS to the TV, and then handed one of the handles to Saitama.

"In this milking record, the highest score is KING. Let us see who can break KING's record."


On the TV, when Xiqi was bragging to the reporters and cameras, the S-level hero of this assault operation, as well as the A-level and B-level operations as support, had already stepped into the no-man's land of Z City.

That's right, the side of the Monster Association came to the headquarters of the Heroes Association to fight, and they said that the decisive battle will be held in 3 days...

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