But the Heroes Association didn't intend to abide by it.

The Weird Association is an evil heretic. To deal with evil heretics, there is never a need to talk about morals.

However, shortly after they entered no man's land, they found themselves surrounded.

Those weirdos seemed to know that they would not abide by the agreement, and had been waiting for them here.


Saitama's house.

"Sure enough, no matter what, the number of cups of milk squeezed out cannot exceed KING's?"

"Damn it, how did he do it?"

Tongzi grabbed the handle of NS and shook it up and down, looking confused.

"What exactly do we need to achieve the effect of splashing onto the screen and exploding?"

"Why don't you play another game? How about trying the nearest wolf?"

"I think it's okay."


The fierce battle between heroes and monsters is going on.

S-level and ghost-level monsters fight against each other, just like ancient warriors.

A-level is to cooperate with heroes you are familiar with, and there are also lone wolf-type A-levels to fight alone.

Generally speaking, the performance is good, the monsters are decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the heroes have no casualties.

"Wow wow wow, help, the weirdo is coming to my side."

Even though he was just an ordinary person, Zezinger, who insisted on taking part in the assault because of his achievements, fled in the direction of the fighting heroes in a panic.

"Step aside."

Wearing a T-shirt, a man with skull tattoos all over his arms took out a slender and curved knife. He swung the knife a few times, and the hand of the rushing monster was chopped off.

But such a small knife can cut surprisingly small wounds.

"Mr. Poison, just a wound like this won't kill it."

"Don't worry, this is a Poison Blade that is smeared with poison."

Before he finished speaking, the cut monster suddenly foamed at the mouth, and then fell to the ground.

The fierce battle didn't last long, and the surviving monsters were gradually cleaned up by the heroes—but the first batch were just miscellaneous fish, perhaps for the purpose of consuming the heroes' physical strength...

While they were thinking this way, there were new weird people who looked different from the one just now, popping up from all directions.


Saitama's house.

"Hold on, don't panic, don't panic."

"Tongzi, you can do it, fuck him."

Saitama, who was sitting next to Tongzi, stared at the TV screen, acting more excited than Tongzi.

"Saitama, you are so noisy, can you be quiet?"

Saitama fell silent for a moment.

Tongzi's game skills are very good. If she is a game anchor, she will definitely belong to the category of annoying anchors.

However, during this period of time, because I had nothing to do, I continued to practice, and watched Hei Tong's Google videos repeatedly, and I managed to hit the old Wei Ming Yixin smoothly.

Because I have seen Heitong Google's strategy before, Tongzi knows that the old Wei Mingyixin is the final boss of the Shura ending, as long as he is defeated, the Shura ending will usher.

But Wei Mingyi is worthy of being a sword master, and it is really difficult to fight. Even if he read the strategy beforehand, he still couldn't fight for two hours. Until now...

"I'm about to win, I'm about to win..."

Saitama's eyes sparkled.

There's nothing more exciting than seeing a mighty boss knocked down after countless attempts.

This is the charm of Sekiro...or the charm of the Soul series.

Why do so many people like to suffer?

Because as long as they are willing to put in the effort and add strategies, anyone can pass the level.

If you pay, you will definitely get something.

Finally, Wei Ming Yixin was beaten to the ground, as long as he stepped up and pressed the attack button, he would win.

But at this moment, violent vibrations came like overwhelming mountains and seas. The sudden vibration made Tongzi and Saitama unprepared, and both fell to the floor.

When Tongzi got up, there was a big word "death" on the TV screen.



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