After the confession, Tongzi left directly from the broken electric gate.

Only the first-class people were left looking at each other in blank dismay.

They froze in place and didn't move until several minutes passed before one of them ran to the door lightly and looked outside, but Tongzi was nowhere to be seen.

"Mr. Wanzhang, that scary nun really left."

Everyone else cheered up too.

"Then let's run."

But Wanzhang Shuyi didn't move. Instead, he grabbed the corpse of a bronze tree ghoul and struggled to pull it towards the outside of the church.

"You guys go first, I'll go find you when I finish my work here, and we'll see you at the old place."

"Mr. Wanzhang, anyway, that girl is not here, she doesn't know our identities, and we won't know where we went when she comes back."

The woman called "Miss Kai" put on her mask again and said anxiously.

"Miss Kai, you are right, but since I Wanzhang promised others, I will definitely do what I say."

"Now is not the time to be pedantic!"

"It's not pedantic, it's my principle, and it's my willfulness...Okay, you guys go, although I don't know what she is going to do when she goes out so late, but I think it won't be too long, taking advantage of her She hasn't come back yet, you guys leave quickly, I can do the things, in the final analysis, it is because of my lack of ability that led to such a result, just let me bear it alone."

The countless companions looked at each other, and then they nodded as if they were about to make a certain decision.

One of them went to help Wanzhang, the other two went to drag the other two corpses, and Miss Kai and Guangdou, the mother and son, went to clean up the smashed bench.


"Mr. Wanzhang, you are our leader, how can there be any reason for your subordinates to abandon the leader and run away by themselves?"

Chapter 134 Impressed (Physical)


After leaving the church, facing the howling night wind, Tongzi strode forward.

She once saw such a statement on the Internet. It is said that the terrifying upright ape is a particularly aggressive creature in its bones. Even in peaceful times, this aggressiveness has not been wiped out.

It's just put in the game.

Tongzi doesn't know whether this statement is true or not, but since she traveled to the world of shield bravery and experienced the thrill of fighting in the real world, let her sit honestly in front of the screen and play games, and she really can't get back the old feeling. felt it.

It always feels like something is missing.

Man is really a very adaptable creature. He used to be a person who dared not even kill a chicken, but now he takes the initiative to go out to find trouble for ghouls.

A girl who went out alone in the middle of the night, especially a girl who deliberately went to a remote alley, to the ghouls, was like deliberately attracting fierce beasts in the wilderness.

Although ghouls are not citizens or human beings, after all, Tongzi has been in the Holy Church for so long, and her vision of things has been affected to some extent.

Regardless of ghouls or humans, they are all lost lambs.

Since they are lost lambs, blindly killing them is not enough, but should impress them.

Tongzi did the same, and all the ghouls who attacked her were moved by her.

Beat motionless.

She even saved more than one policeman patrolling late at night from the ghouls.

So it was like this, Tongzi stayed in the church during the day and went out to look for ghouls at night.

Her range of activities is not limited to District 11, but also District 20, because District 20 is where Dong Xiang is located. If District 20 can lose one ghoul, Dong Xiang's safety will undoubtedly be guaranteed.

But for some unknown reason, the number of ghouls in District 20 is obviously much smaller than that in District 11. After a few days, the number of ghouls she fought in District 20 was not as many as that in District 11 that night.

By the way, after Tongzi returned to the church that day, they left after ten thousand feet, but they also wrapped up the broken pews as promised Tongzi, took them out and threw them away. Zhong Zhong’s corpse was also dragged outside, and even the floor was rinsed several times with clean water and wiped clean with a dry cloth before leaving.


A few days later, Tongzi, who was wandering the streets of District 20, found a pair of targets not long after...

To be precise, a couple.

One of them is a very beautiful woman, wearing intellectual glasses, her fair skin looks flimsy, her moist cherry lips are smeared with light makeup, her deep red coat and inner white dress perfectly fit her chest The part that looks like the Alps is set off.

On the other side are young passers-by who can be seen everywhere on the street.

On the way of walking side by side with women and talking happily, almost every few seconds, the eyes of young people will involuntarily catch a glimpse of women's breasts (sensitive words).

I heard that when the German army was besieged by the Soviet army in Stalingrad, the head of state not only didn't feel impatient, but also thought about going to the Alps to enjoy the snow.

It seemed that the young man had the same hobbies as the Führer.

If she was still in her original world, Tongzi would only envy that lucky bastard at most, and would not care.

But now it caught her attention.

Not because of anything else, but because this world is a world with ghouls.

With the appearance of that woman, any kind of man can be found, and there is no need to look for that young man—at least from the appearance, the passer-by young man, apart from the standard characteristics of a Japanese man like Asahi, has nothing to do with him. No other features.

It is impossible for women in reality to associate with this kind of man (sensitive word) who is worthless except for Asahi, unless they plan to use him as a backup, or...

Backup tire.

And thinking that there is another kind of creature in this world, then there is another possibility:

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