That woman is probably a ghoul, and she treats him as food.

In fact, this is mainly Tongzi's conjecture, I don't know if it is right.

But anyway, every night when they come out, they have to come out to impress the ghouls, so it doesn't matter if they keep up with this couple.

If it is really what she expected, then she will impress the other party with her heart.

Of course, if she guesses wrong and the other party is just a normal couple, then that's okay, at most it's just an extra trip.

By the way, I wish the lovers of the other party will eventually become brothers and sisters.

In fact, Tongzi really hoped that she had guessed wrong, because looking at the appearance of the young passer-by, she seemed to see herself who was still studying at the time, and she had a crush on him at that time, just like him.

3 years of high school, 3 years of crush.

The final result is of course not unexpected...

The other party found a handsome and rich man to marry, and sent an invitation to himself, asking for red envelopes and blessings.

So if that woman is really not a ghoul, then at most, hundreds of millions of murders will happen tonight.

Tongzi followed the two of them far away, beyond the hearing of ordinary people, allowing her to hear what the two of them said clearly even at a relatively long distance.

The boys kept talking about books, but the women didn't know whether they were agreeing, or they really liked books. In short, they seemed to be very interesting and interested.

Books are a treasure house of knowledge. People who are good at reading can not only use the knowledge in books to seduce girls, but also bring extra enjoyment to the night.

——As smart as you are, you must know what this means, right?

Following the two for a while, Tongzi found that they had already left the bustling commercial street and were now entering an old city.

This used to be the old 20th district. For various reasons, the city center and commercial centers have moved to the new city, so this place looks much deserted.

The lights of the buildings on both sides of the street were turned off. Except for the couple, there were basically no other pedestrians on the sidewalk. It took a long time for a car to pass by on the road in the middle.

Because continuing to follow on the ground would look very suspicious, so Tongzi turned her eyes around, and then quickly climbed up to the roof of a nearby house, following the two of them from the roof of the building.

In the previous Assassin's Creed, as long as it was a task that needed to be tracked, she always played like this.

Unless it is a place without a roof, never go on land.

After climbing to the roof, the field of vision is much wider than that on the flat ground. At a glance, except for street lamps and a few lights in the building, it is almost pitch black.

This made Tongzi realize that the woman seemed to be consciously leading passers-by youths to sparsely populated areas.

It seems that my previous conjecture was unfortunately right.

Continuing to track on the roof, at a fork in the road, Tongzi accidentally discovered that Dong Xiang and another girl were walking from another lighted road at the fork in the road, and happened to pass by the couple.

When the two sides crossed each other, Dong Xiang seemed to know the woman who was with the young passer-by. She even stopped and looked at each other deeply for a while, until the couple entered the dark alley that forked the road.

Tongzi watched Dong Xiang and the girl who was supposed to be her classmate leave. They walked the avenue with lights, so they should not encounter ghouls, and if that woman is really a ghoul, then she must be dealt with. .

So Tongzi also followed into the dark alley, and continued to follow from the buildings next to the alley.

Those two people didn't know that they were being followed, and continued to go deep into the dark alley, but this time they didn't walk for too long, and they stopped near a construction site.

Then the passer-by youth asked the woman "I don't know if we can meet again next time".

The woman stepped forward and hugged the passer-by youth, and said words full of love that in ordinary love games, the girl's favorability is almost full.

Being told by the girl "I've always liked you too", coupled with the girl's initiative to hug and blush and attack, immediately made passers-by young people very excited.

It is said that raising a soldier for a thousand days is a one-time use. The second younger brother of a person like him usually waits for training and can only cry with joy in the practice field, but today he may finally be able to fight on the front line.

If this is just an ordinary love scene, then the passer-by youth is undoubtedly a model of honest people who are superior, but it is a pity that this is not an ordinary love scene.

Therefore, when the girl took the initiative to hug the passer-by youth, Tongzi, who was squatting on the balcony of a family, stepped on the balcony out of a hole, and the whole person rushed towards the hugging people like an arrow shot out. lovers.

The woman opened her mouth wide and was about to bite down, but suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from behind, and immediately shuddered, throwing the passer-by in her arms to the side, and at the same time dodged to the side .

She didn't want to protect passer-by youths, but passer-by youths were already food on the table in her eyes, and her actions just now were like human beings subconsciously protecting the food on their plates from being knocked over by others .

Tongzi, which fell like a cannonball, hit the ground where the two of them were standing just now, creating deep spider web-like cracks on the ground.

The woman stared at Tongzi with a look of fear on her face.

"Are you a white dove?"

But it doesn't feel like it, because there is still a clear difference between Baige's uniform and the black trench coat worn by the girl in front of her.

Wait, black trench coat?

"I heard some boring rumors recently, saying that there is a nun who has nothing to do at night and comes out to kill ghouls. Could that nun be you?"

"No, it's right here."

While Tongzi answered, she looked to the side, the young passer-by who had been completely stunned there since before.

"It seems that there are still some matters to be dealt with between me and this lady. Can I ask you to leave first?"

The young passer-by looked at Tongzi blankly, didn't speak, just opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say a word.

When a person is under extreme fear, his brain will indeed go blank, and even if his brain can still stay awake, he will tell himself to escape quickly, but his body will still fall into a sluggish response.

"Just killing some miscellaneous fish, do you really think of yourself as a white pigeon? I will let you know what a stupid result it will be to find my god Dai Lishi."

The back of Kamdai Rise's white dress was torn, and four red tentacles-like tails danced wildly in the air.

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